Class Events
Mini-Reunion in Washington DC in 2001
May 4 - 6, 2001
by Tony Lee
[see below for pictures]
Our first class Mini Reunion in Washington, DC, May 4 - 6, was a tremendous success. Fifty classmates and their spouses, friends and children attended. The weather was great and our nation's capital was beautiful with spectacular azaleas, pansies and other flowers in full bloom. The lovely Monarch Hotel served as the center of our activities. On Friday night we were entertained by the Bob and Joe show. Bob Kaiser introduced Joe Lieberman and told how he became Joe's first (and weakest) political opponent when he was steamrolled by Joe in the election for chairman of the Yale Daily News. Joe shared personally about his experience in running as Vice President - his deep sense of gratitude and many of the lighter moments. We love Joe because he always airs his dirty laundry with us. Years ago it was his socks and this time it was his undergarments.
Saturday was a full day with representations from the political, art and media worlds. Our early morning walk through the White House was followed by a special tour with Doug Lewis '60 of the Venetian collections of paintings and sculpture at the National Gallery of Art. Bob Kaiser then guided us through the Washington Post. He shared some of the important and fascinating decisions made at the Post, and gave us wonderful insights into the operations of a major newspaper. Above all, however, was Bob's appreciation for his 37 years with the Post. We all felt: "Greeley has done good."
Although the day was busy with activities, perhaps the richest component was talking with each other as we walked to events and waited in lines. The day was appropriately concluded when we could sit down ― at last ― and laugh at the outrageously funny Capitol Steps' musical and political satire.
Bob Hilgendorf and his wife Ling Tung have invited us to Santa Fe in the Fall of 2002 and Mike Nagel invited us to London in June 2003. Classmates should mark their long term calendars and plan to take extended vacations around these gatherings. If you need to be motivated to attend, call one of the many who attended DC.

Frank and Susie Basler

Bill and Ellen Galvin

Bob and Anne Charles

Ed Massey, Anne Hastings, Doug Hershey

Carol and Joe Wishcamper