Class News
News items are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on a title to read the item. To find news about a specific classmate, use the Search function.
- Gus Speth ’64 “On the Eve of Success” — a book of poetry (2/3/24)
- Rick Hatton ’64 on “Wildfire Suppression from the Air” (video) (1/23/25)
- Bob Buchanan ’64 named 2024 Philanthropist of the Year (video) (1/14/25)
- Ralph DeFronzo ’64 listed in top 2% of scientists worldwide (1/9/25)
- John Wylie ’64 on “The Mind’s Evolution” (video) (12/18/24)
- Gus Speth ’64 writes “Essays from the Edge” (12/3/24)
- Ralph Jones ’64 reports on the YAA Assembly (11/24/24)
- Ted Jones ’64 reports on the 2024 Fall golf outing (9/29/24)
- Sam Francis ’64 on the dangers of falls (7/12/24)
- Angus Gillespie ’64 wins Award of Excellence (6/10/24)
- Angus Gillespie ’64 reflects on our 60th Reunion (6/6/24)
- Tony Lavely ’64 posts our 60th Reunion on Facebook (6/3/24)
- Bob Kaiser ’64 writes op-ed in the Washington Post on our legacy (5/25/24)
- Memorial service at our 60th Reunion (video) (5/24/24)
- Tom Barnard ’64 on artificial intelligence (video) (5/24/24)
- Sam Francis ’64 on “Evolution ... from Soup to Nuts” (video) (3/5/24)
- Dick duPont ’64 tells about his only aircraft accident in 50 years (2/22/24)
- Ralph Jones ’64 reports on the YAA Assembly (2/8/24)
- John Wylie ’64 on “The Evolution of Human Motivations” (video) (1/20/24)
- Bob Buchanan ’64 named a scholarship in honor of the Class of ’64 (1/11/24)
- Gus Speth ’64 on transformational change in a time of crisis (12/1/23)
- Bob Archer ’64 and Len Baker ’64 on the climate crisis (video) (10/5/23)
- Ralph Jones ’64 and Steve Klingelhofer ’64 join ’64 Class Council (8/25/23)
- Jon McBride ’64 flags YaleNews story about Squash Haven (8/24/23)
- Ralph Jones ’64 will be our Class YAA Delegate for a three-year term (8/7/23)
- Jethro Lieberman ’64 featured in a Class Book Club event (video) (7/13/23)
- Terry Holcombe ’64 was featured in 38 articles in Class News (6/20/23)
- Chris Getman ’64 reports on the 2023 Spring golf outing (6/8/23)
- Nortin Hadler ’64 on “Health at Our Time of LIfe” (video) (4/27/23)
- Howard Gillette ’64 on The Paradox of Urban Revitalization (audio) (4/10/23)
- Tom Barnard ’64 on energy from nuclear fusion (video) (2/11/23)
- Sam Francis ’64 reflects on his Navy service (video) (1/27/23)
- Russell Sunshine ’64 featured in a Class Book Club event (video) (1/20/23)
- Howard Gillette ’64 leads a Class Zoom event on civil rights (video) (1/17/23)
- Sam Low ’64 writes about memories of his ancestors (10/6/22)
- Yale ’64 golfers assemble on Cape Cod (10/1/22)
- Dick Niglio ’64, Terry Holcombe in New Haven Gridiron Hall of Fame (9/9/22)
- Sam Francis ’64 presents his Navy sword to a new officer (9/4/22)
- Gus Speth ’64 links climate change with transformative change (8/16/22)
- Clarkson Lindley ’64’s surviving spouse Nancy honored (8/13/22)
- Chas Freeman ’64 watches closely as Sino-American split worsens (8/5/22)
- Chas Freeman ’64 opines on Speaker Pelosi’s trip to Taiwan (video) (8/2/22)
- 29 classmates write about the biggest climate threat where they live (7/31/22)
- Jon McBride ’64 reports a great year for Squash Haven (7/30/22)
- 18 classmates attend the Boston Area Zoom (7/20/22)
- 26 classmates vie for oldest Yale memorabilia (7/15/22)
- Syd Lea ’64 reads and discusses his award-winning poetry (7/14/22)
- Dennis Upper ’64 remembered by his surviving spouse Nancy (7/14/22)
- 9 Bay Area classmates discuss their most significant activities (7/10/22)
- Neil Hoffmann ’64 discusses new book about Jesus with friends (7/10/22)
- Bob Buchanan ’64 impressed by Judy Woodruff’s speech (video) (6/30/22)
- Bob Rands ’64 and Amy host 80th birthday party for classmates (6/25/22)
- Owen O’Donnell ’64 hosts discussion of the last 80 years (6/22/22)
- Tony Lavely ’64 posts 7 new classmate books on Yale Facebook (6/20/22)
- John Howells ’64 recalls his final water polo match at Yale (6/17/22)
- Tom Barnard ’64 recalls the 1962 Yale-Harvard crew race (video) (6/15/22)
- Gus Speth ’64 joins Boston Zoom call focusing on climate change (6/15/22)
- Chris Getman ’64 applauds New Haven’s renaissance (6/12/22)
- David Wyles ’64 celebrates autistic son Rio’s success in rap music (6/11/22)
- Chas Freeman ’64 examines the Snowden Affair at the Starr Forum (6/11/22)
- Chris Getman ’64 reports on the golf outing and the bear (video) (6/3/22)
- Ted Jones ’64 reports on the revival of the Class of ’64 golf outing (6/2/22)
- Dick duPont ’64 reminisces about hockey coach Dick Gagliardi (6/2/22)
- Classmates remember what parents told them during World War II (5/30/22)
- Frank Hotchkiss ’64 reviews “Manhunter” featuring Hannibal Lecter (5/28/22)
- Stan Thomas ’64 only sang in the shower (audio) (5/25/22)
- Nick Danforth ’64 revives his 1973 Roe v. Wade efforts (5/24/22)
- Jim Rogers ’64 interviewed by Yahoo Finance about commodities (5/21/22)
- Record attendance for Boston Zoom call (5/18/22)
- Classmates on Bay Area Zoom discuss Roe v. Wade and politics (5/18/22)
- David Libby ’64 reminisces about the JE printing press (5/13/22)
- Mo Dean ’64 wins award for his serialized blog “Goines On” (5/13/22)
- Chris Getman ’64 heralds URI milestone of 10,000 trees planted (5/13/22)
- Coach Tony Reno (honorary ’64) on “Building Yale Leaders” (video) (5/12/22)
- John Jeavons ’64 honored for sustainable farming (video) (5/10/22)
- Don Edwards ’64’s family extends its Yale legacy to six generations (5/9/22)
- Ron Sipherd ’64 participates in Yale Day of Service in Oakland CA (5/7/22)
- Jon McBride ’64 sends energetic update on Squash Haven (5/6/22)
- Soren West ’64’s new book on hiking the Appalachian Trail (video) (5/4/22)
- Sam Deloria ’64’s brother’s new book Playing Indian (5/4/22)
- Joe Lieberman ’64 on Jeopardy! as a Double Jeopardy question (4/29/22)
- Stan Thomas ’64’s 80th birthday celebrated (4/28/22)
- Chas Freeman ’64 featured on ’64 Class Zoom event on China (4/28/22)
- Mimi McBride named featured artist by Potomac Valley organization (4/26/22)
- Jerry Flannelly ’64 lauds Henry McCance ’64’s work (video) (4/21/22)
- 37 classmates recall the most memorable/influential Yale professor (4/20/22)
- Jerry Flannelly ’64 leads discussion about political intolerance (4/20/22)
- Chas Freeman ’64 speaks to Harvard China Forum (4/19/22)
- Frank Franklin ’64 documents sexual activity of aging males (4/16/22)
- Tom Susman ’64 visits Abu Dhabi to assist Afghan evacuees (4/15/22)
- Edward Massey ’64 to co-chair Harvard Business School reunion (4/15/22)
- Tony Lavely ’64 retraces history of 1964 Class Secretaries (4/14/22)
- Stan Thomas ’64’s son Chip in U Michigan Lacrosse Hall of Fame (4/13/22)
- Len Baker ’64 eulogizes David Swensen in memorial service (video) (4/12/22)
- Bob Buchanan ’64 honored by DC Airports Task Force (video) (4/12/22)
- Tony Lavely ’64 attends Yale’s New Student Reception in Atlanta (4/10/22)
- Howard Gillette ’64 on The Paradox of Urban Revitalization (video) (4/7/22)
- Tony Lee ’64 joint venture with Elders Climate Action Massachusetts (4/5/22)
- Bill Fink ’64 honored at Oxford shell christening (videos) (4/4/22)
- Terry Holcombe ’64 reports reopening of Sunrise Café in New Haven (4/4/22)
- Sam Francis ’64, Tony Lavely ’64 archived ’64 website at Sterling (3/31/22)
- Chas Freeman ’64 interviewed on Ukraine and Taiwan (audio) (3/30/22)
- Dan Pollack ’64 and Nancy honored for “A Lifetime of Service” (3/29/22)
- Neil Hoffmann ’64 says “This is what I want for my 80th birthday” (3/29/22)
- Chas Freeman ’64 — US fighting Russia to the last Ukrainian (video) (3/24/22)
- John Wylie ’64 publishes updated article on the human soul (3/21/22)
- Joe Wishcamper ’64 discusses his real-estate career (video) (3/20/22)
- Dan Berman ’64 writes the real story of the Gold Rush in California (3/18/22)
- Jim Rogers ’64 predicts that China will take Taiwan (video) (3/16/22)
- Tony Reno (honorary ’64) holds Zoom football briefing (3/16/22)
- Owen O'Donnell ’64 hosts Bay-Area Zoom for ten ’64 classmates (3/16/22)
- Chas Freeman ’64 interviewed by the Brown Political Review (3/14/22)
- Jerry Flannelly ’64 convenes biggest Boston-area Zoom call yet (3/14/22)
- Stephen Greenblatt ’64 sees Russia and Ukraine reflected in Aida (3/14/22)
- Tony Lee ’64, Sam Callaway ’64, Ward Wickwire ’64 on Yale hockey (3/13/22)
- Al Rossiter ’64 writes The Boston Globe about Ukraine (3/13/22)
- Ed Trippe ’64 organizing a tribute to Bill Fink ’64 on the Thames (3/12/22)
- Bruce Driver ’64 analyzes ten contested U.S. Senate races (3/12/22)
- Jim Rogers ’64 warns “It’s the endgame” (video) (3/8/22)
- Larry Crutcher ’64 and Hannah attend the Iditarod Race (3/5/22)
- Dean Risë Nelson named to Diversity post at Yale (3/5/22)
- Tony Lee ’64, John More ’64, others support Ukraine (videos) (3/1/22)
- Chas Freeman ’64 on a panel to discuss the crisis in Ukraine (video) (3/1/22)
- Dan Pollack ’64 recommends new movie about Pauli Murray (2/28/22)
- Sam Low ’64 posts his earlier video “Polynesian Star Compass” (2/28/22)
- Tony Lavely ’64 attends Feb Club Emeritus in Atlanta (2/27/22)
- ’64 classmates remember their favorite Mardi Gras experiences (2/23/22)
- Tony Lavely ’64 completes six years on Yale Alumni Fund Board (2/23/22)
- 1964 Class Council meets with five students from YSE (2/19/22)
- 1964 Class Council hosts the Director of a Yale Climate Program (2/19/22)
- 1964 Class Council recognizes Marie Coady at Mory’s (2/19/22)
- 1964 Class Council names co-chairs for our 60th Class Reunion (2/19/22)
- 1964 Class Council renews support for Squash Haven (2/19/22)
- 1964 Class Council renews support for URI summer intern (2/19/22)
- 1964 Class Council meets for seven hours via Zoom (2/19/22)
- Syd Lea ’64 launches a newsletter with a short story (2/16/22)
- Bay Area Zoom group debates pandemic policies and mandates (2/16/22)
- Bob Rands ’64 will host a Boston-area 80th birthday party (2/16/22)
- Bob Hilgendorf ’64 writes about Nathan Chen ’24 and the Olympics (2/15/22)
- Chas Freeman ’64 interviewed about Nixon in China (audio) (2/11/22)
- Skaters from ’64 cheer on Nathan Chen ’24 at Winter Olympics (2/10/22)
- Dick duPont ’64 welcomed back to the Class of 1964 (2/9/22)
- Mory’s group returns to Zoom for their February virtual luncheon (2/2/22)
- Bill Morse ’64 describes 2021 YAA Assembly and YAF Convocation (1/31/22)
- Jim Klint ’64 remembered with his 49ers in the playoffs this year (1/30/22)
- Stephen Greenblatt ’64 writes a book review in The New York Times (1/30/22)
- Jon McBride ’64 shares uplifting video from Squash Haven (1/28/22)
- Sam Francis ’64 says we have email addresses for 85% of our class (1/28/22)
- Larry Crutcher ’64 adds to Muhammad Ali story (1/26/22)
- Tony Lavely ’64 cites Henry Miller’s book On Turning Eighty (1/24/22)
- Chas Freeman ’64 has a candid conversation with Chinese friends (1/23/22)
- Joe Lieberman ’64 writes on “Jewish Tradition and National Unity” (1/20/22)
- Sydney Lea ’64, Vermont award-winner, reads from his work (video) (1/20/22)
- Joe Lieberman ’64 in conversation with Yale ’64 and ’65 (video) (1/19/22)
- Dennis Upper ’64 wrote about MLK’s Yale degree ceremony (audio) (1/17/22)
- Our Urban Resources Initiative intern files a video report (video) (1/15/22)
- Timothy Breen ’64 on disputed origins of the American Revolution (1/14/22)
- Timothy Breen ’64 featured on the ’64 Authors Book Club (video) (1/12/22)
- Getman ’64 and McBride ’64 tagged a feature about squash (video) (1/11/22)
- Chas Freeman ’64 on “Diplomacy as an Instrument of Statecraft” (1/10/22)
- Timothy Breen ’64 on “revolution” vs. “insurrection” (1/6/22)
- Jeremy Scott Wood ’64 posts Lincoln’s relevant New Haven speech (1/1/22)
- Chas Freeman ’64 on China and the Middle East (audio) (12/23/21)
- Joe Lieberman ’64 opines on “Regular Order” and bipartisanship (12/23/21)
- Edward Massey ’64 offers classmates his book, Forever Sheriff (12/13/21)
- Tony Lavely ’64 summarizes the 44 Class of ’64 events held in 2021 (12/13/21)
- Tony Lavely ’64 says our Class Notes set a record in 2021 (12/13/21)
- John Wylie ’64 writes on the origin of the human soul (11/30/21)
- Howard Gillette ’64 leads a panel on crime in Philadelphia (video) (11/16/21)
- Chas Freeman ’64 delivers three speeches on China (video) (11/11/21)
- Francis Snyder ’64, food-safety expert in China, author of 17 books (11/8/21)
- Tony Lavely ’64 speaks at YAA Assembly (video) (11/6/21)
- Bob Buchanan ’64 honored by Washington D.C. Airports Task Force (11/2/21)
- John Podeschi ’64 writes about rare books and comic books (11/1/21)
- Nick von Baillou ’64 memorial service on November 6, 2021 (10/28/21)
- Whitby ’64, Getman ’64, and the Yale Canon Mini-Reunion (videos) (10/9/21)
- Son of Stan Thomas ’64 gets married (9/30/21)
- Son of David Wyles ’64 to perform for the Autism Society (videos) (9/30/21)
- John Jeavons ’64 discusses biointensive farming methods (video) (9/30/21)
- Timothy Breen ’64 writes “American Revolution on Trial” (9/28/21)
- Nick Danforth ’64 suggests that future memorials be via Zoom (9/28/21)
- Denny Lynch ’64’s widow sent news of the Dennis P. Lynch Award (9/27/21)
- Karl Ziegler ’64 offers photographic murals of East Africa for sale (9/27/21)
- Syd Lea ’64 to receive the Vermont Governor’s Award for excellence (9/23/21)
- Frank Basler ’64 gets his message out on YouTube (video) (9/23/21)
- Tony Lavely ’64 explores Yale connections to Muhammad Ali (video) (9/21/21)
- Strachan Donnelley ’64 lauded by The Hastings Center (9/20/21)
- Chris Getman ’64 reports urban forestry news about Boston (9/17/21)
- Pat Caviness ’64 created a spectacular garden in Koh Samui (9/12/21)
- Chas Freeman ’64 interviewed by The Foreign Policy Ass’n (video) (9/9/21)
- Frank Franklin ’64 presents “Challenges in Public Health” (video) (9/9/21)
- Edward Massey ’64 lauds a new development in New Haven (9/9/21)
- Tony Lee ’64 and John More ’64 launch a new climate-related website (9/8/21)
- Henry McCance ’64 presents a Zoom session on Alzheimer’s (video) (9/2/21)
- Tony Lavely ’64 showcases more Yale 1964 authors on Facebook (8/31/21)
- Gus Speth ’64 writes a new and confrontational book (8/25/21)
- Doane Perry’s wife reports great news about Doane's memory loss (8/17/21)
- Gerry Shea ’64 shares a collection of music for classmates in grief (8/15/21)
- John Hunsaker ’64 has written chapters in 15 professional books (8/10/21)
- Tony Lavely’s wife, Wanda, succumbs to cancer (8/8/21)
- Andy Villalon ’64 finishes a new book about 14th-century Iberia (7/31/21)
- Angus Gillespie ’64 profiled on NY Port Authority blog (7/29/21)
- Jim Currie ’64 flying his aerobatics airplane (video) (7/7/21)
- Mike Brodsky ’64 shares some of his Bay Area photography (7/5/21)
- Chris Getman ’64 will program music on NPR radio on July 6 (6/27/21)
- Jethro Lieberman ’64 writes a new book in a new genre (6/26/21)
- Jerry Flannelly ’64 and Boston Zoom group discuss “green burial” (6/23/21)
- Angus Gillespie ’64 honored for his TV work in New Jersey (6/20/21)
- David Elliott ’64 writes his memoirs for his grandchildren (6/16/21)
- Sam Low ’64 writes on the Vietnam War in the Vineyard Gazette (6/14/21)
- Kai Lassen ’64, Tony Lavely ’64, Ward Wickwire ’64 to YAF meeting (6/14/21)
- Chris Getman ’64 reports the dedication of URI’s “Healing Garden” (6/12/21)
- Andy Burrows ’64 on TV to talk about his love of books (video) (6/11/21)
- John Wylie ’64 on “The Two-Mind Hypothesis” in Montreal Review (6/9/21)
- Jim Rogers ’64 predicts farmers will be driving Ferraris (video) (6/7/21)
- Joe Lieberman ’64 says Trump's refusal to cede is harmful (video) (6/7/21)
- Russell Sunshine ’64 expands his blog to guest entries by friends (5/31/21)
- Tony Lavely ’64 reports on his daughter Vanessa's wedding (5/28/21)
- “Yale ’64 Authors Book Club” launched on May 27, 2021 (5/27/21)
- Bay Area Classmate ’64 Zoom focuses on climate change (5/19/21)
- Henry McCance ’64 funds research to prevent or treat Alzheimer’s (5/13/21)
- Neil Hoffmann ’64 writes a Letter to the Editor of YAM (5/6/21)
- David Swensen (honorary ’64) dies at 67 (5/6/21)
- Andrea Fleck Clardy (spouse of Jon Clardy ’64) writes about aging (5/5/21)
- Len Baker ’64 made dire predictions about higher education (4/30/21)
- Tom Lovejoy ’64 is inducted into the National Academy of Sciences (4/27/21)
- Jim Rogers ’64 insists governments could ban cryptocurrencies (4/26/21)
- Tristan Kiekel (hon. ’64) continues to assist people and animals (4/18/21)
- Bill Morse ’64 reports on final YAA Assembly event of this season (4/16/21)
- The son of Denny Lynch ’64 excels at Morgan Stanley (4/16/21)
- Angus Gillespie ’64 interviewed by the History Channel (4/14/21)
- Stephen Greenblatt ’64 hints at a new book about Shakespeare (4/13/21)
- Tony Lavely ’64 extols the benefits of connecting with Yale students (4/6/21)
- Nick Danforth ’64 recommends Stephen Greenblatt’s interview (4/4/21)
- Leon Sigal ’64 wrote about North Korea in “38 North” (4/2/21)
- Tony Lavely ’64 attends Zoom with Rep. Carolyn Bourdeaux ’92 (3/31/21)
- YAA Assembly showcases the Building Lab at Yale (3/30/21)
- Remembering our 1964 Vietnam Veterans on Vietnam Veterans Day (3/29/21)
- Tim Bachmeyer ’64 leaves an unpublished manuscript on cancer (3/26/21)
- Chris Getman ’64 remembers “The Shakespeare Lady” (3/26/21)
- Joe Vancisin, Yale basketball coach in our day, dies at age 98 (3/24/21)
- Yale ’64 has a storied career with Handsome Dan (3/19/21)
- Edward Massey ’64 kicks off “Class of 1964 Authors Book Club” (3/17/21)
- Kai Lassen ’64 and Tony Lavely ’64 attend Yale Alumni Fund Board (3/15/21)
- Video preview of new Schwarzman Center at Yale (3/12/21)
- Tony Lavely ’64 salutes the 22 Yale student-athletes from Georgia (3/12/21)
- Steve Klingelhofer ’64 writes a letter to The Washington Post (3/11/21)
- Tim Breen ’64 writes a review in New York Review of Books (3/11/21)
- Jon McBride ’64 on Nicholas Brady ’52 and Squash Haven (3/4/21)
- Terry Holcombe ’64 lauded FedEx gift to School of the Environment (3/3/21)
- John Wylie ’64 writes “A New Narrative of Human Nature” (2/23/21)
- Dennis Upper ’64 remembered by his wife Nancy in local magazine (2/23/21)
- Owen O'Donnell ’64 hosts: “What brought you to California?” (2/17/21)
- 1964 Class Council meets with Yale students from La Casa Cultural (2/13/21)
- 1964 Class Council names new Council members (2/13/21)
- 1964 Class Council renews support for Squash Haven (2/13/21)
- 1964 Class Council renews support for URI summer intern (2/13/21)
- 1964 Class Council meets for 7 hours via Zoom (2/13/21)
- Chas Freeman ’64 speaks on “Playing at War Games with China” (2/11/21)
- Bob Buchanan ’64 makes a case for hydrogen (2/10/21)
- Urban Resources Initiative summer interns bring us a video update (2/5/21)
- Tony Reno (hon. ’64) gives a 2021 Football Virtual Update (2/3/21)
- Ben Day ’64 is fighting cancer with tennis and humor (2/1/21)
- Tony Lavely ’64 joins MLK webinar hosted by Afro-American House (1/29/21)
- Paul Manchester ’64 “Just when I thought I was out ...” (video) (1/28/21)
- 1964 classmates are getting vaccinated (1/26/21)
- Al Rossiter ’64 on his Black Lives Matter journey (1/23/21)
- Regional Zoom calls with 60 classmates kick off 2021 (1/21/21)
- Tony Lavely ’64 lifts up Ebenezer Baptist Church on MLK Day (1/18/21)
- Gerry Shea ’64 recalls appearance on 1966 “Password” TV show (1/15/21)
- Stephen Greenblatt ’64 offers a Shakespeare quote for our times (1/15/21)
- Tony Lavely ’64 recognized with YAA Award of Excellence (1/14/21)
- Yale launches a new special-interest group, “Accelerate Yale” (1/14/21)
- Chas Freeman ’64 speaks about Taiwan (1/12/21)
- Bill Morse ’64, our YAA Delegate, reports on YAA Fall Assembly (1/11/21)
- Tim Damour ’64’s daughter Lisa ‘92 on “CBS This Morning” (video) (1/5/21)
- Stephen Greenblatt ’64 reviews Maggie O’Farrell’s book, Hamnet (1/3/21)
- Tony Lavely ’64 honors 53 classmate authors on Facebook (12/31/20)
- Bob Kaiser ’64 lauded by Len Downie at The Washington Post (12/30/20)
- Jon McBride ’64 posts an uplifting Squash Haven video report (12/21/20)
- Rick Salomon ’64 writes a memoir, It’s All Coming Back to Me Now (12/18/20)
- John More ’64 posted an inspirational article by a former student (12/17/20)
- Dick Ainsworth ’64 featured in Ohio “Lamplighter” (12/13/20)
- Stewart Flory ’64 honored with named fellowship at Gustavus (12/7/20)
- Jim Rogers ’64 speaks at Reuters Summit on risks in 2021 (11/30/20)
- Bill Morse ’64, Class YAA Rep, reports on Yale Trustee meeting (11/29/20)
- Bob Kuehn ’64 honored posthumously (video) (11/24/20)
- Coach Tony Reno (’64 hon.) conducts a tour of Yale Bowl (video) (11/18/20)
- Chris Getman ’64 relays news from Urban Resources Initiative (11/17/20)
- Four 1964 classmates are on the YSE Leadership Council (11/16/20)
- Chris Getman ’64 carries on Strachan Donnelley tradition (11/15/20)
- Jon McBride ’64 sends an update on Squash Haven (11/5/20)
- Tony Lee ’64 making “Good Trouble” in Wayland, MA (11/4/20)
- Ward Wickwire ’64 commends YAF 1964 Class Agents (10/29/20)
- David Swensen (hon. ’64) on embracing diversity (10/28/20)
- Bill Morse ’64, our delegate to the YAA, attends orientation (10/27/20)
- Dr. Frank Franklin ’64 gives a talk on the 21st century diet (video) (10/26/20)
- Phil Anderson ’64 — TV concert on Dec. 12 by “Vocal Majority” (10/25/20)
- Classmate Zoom calls set a record in October (10/22/20)
- Ward Wickwire ’64 attends talk by J. Clapper, former DNI (video) (10/20/20)
- Tony Lavely ’64 represents 1964 in YAA diversity workshop (video) (10/20/20)
- Andy Villalon ’64 adds five books to classmate publications (10/19/20)
- Chas Freeman ’64 writes three new articles on geopolitics (10/5/20)
- Peter Wallace ’64 remembered during the first presidential debate (10/1/20)
- Tom Jones ’64 writes about mosquitoes while social distancing (9/30/20)
- Gerry Shea ’64 remembers the 1965 Whiffenpoofs on TV (9/30/20)
- Stephen Greenblatt ’64 contributes to Hamnet by Maggie O’Farrell (9/30/20)
- Marya and Terry Holcombe ’64 honored by Kurn Hattin (video) (9/30/20)
- Tony Lavely ’64 flies to Montana to escape COVID-19 in Georgia (9/30/20)
- Mory’s and Boston classmate Zooms continue into the fall (9/29/20)
- Tony Lee ’64 — Climate change “Zoominars” reach fourth level (9/29/20)
- Yale Blue Green (YBG) launches Sustainability Initiative (9/28/20)
- Yale Entrepreneurial Society (YES) launches an internship initiative (9/28/20)
- Dan Pollack ’64 makes a Titanic replica for his grandsons (9/27/20)
- Tony Lavely ’64 reports class notes make “Zoom” a big word (9/26/20)
- Jethro Lieberman ’64 on the false promise of popularized physics (9/24/20)
- John Tully ’64 wins the Ahmed Zewail Prize in Molecular Sciences (9/23/20)
- Tony Lavely ’64 reports on YAA 2020 Assembly (video) (9/20/20)
- Karl Ziegler ’64 and Jane Fuller wed in London (9/15/20)
- Michael Nagel ’64 visits Berlin and reflects on JFK (9/15/20)
- Tony Lavely ’64 on hurricanes and climate change (9/15/20)
- Len Baker ’64 on climate strategy (9/14/20)
- Toby Tompkins ’64 on his conspiracy theory about JFK (9/13/20)
- Frank Hotchkiss ’64 writes the editors of the Wall Street Journal (9/11/20)
- Robert Kuehn ’64 posthumously honored (9/6/20)
- Tony Lee ’64 on climate change (9/5/20)
- Tim Damour ’64’s daughter on parenting in the pandemic (video) (9/4/20)
- Jim Rogers ’64 undergoes heart surgery (9/3/20)
- Chris Getman ’64 and other classmates remember Gail Sheehy (9/2/20)
- Stephen Greenblatt ’64 weighs in on #cancelculture (video) (9/1/20)
- Tom Barnard ’64 on climate projections to mid-century (8/29/20)
- Sam Francis ’64 on global warming: “Apocalypse on the Horizon” (8/14/20)
- URI intern powers through the COVID-19 pandemic (8/13/20)
- Mory’s and Boston classmate virtual luncheons continue (8/5/20)
- Frank Basler ’64 talks about the Poor People’s Campaign (8/4/20)
- Five 1964 classmates work on climate change (7/31/20)
- 1964 classmates divided on petition for Yale Corp. candidates (7/30/20)
- Dave Anderson ’64 on innovative fund raising for Yale Alumni Fund (7/16/20)
- Sam Low ’64 celebrates 25th anniversary of “Fast Cars” (7/14/20)
- Lee & Lavely (“the Tonys”) lead a climate-change Zoom series (7/14/20)
- John Wylie ’64 on “A Liberal Theory of Human Nature” (7/13/20)
- Nancy Upper presents to The Ticknor Society in Boston (video) (7/13/20)
- Angus Gillespie ’64 interviewed by Fox for “America Built” series (7/12/20)
- Dick Berk ’64 is helping to train dogs to identify COVID-19 (7/10/20)
- Jon McBride ’64 reports on Squash Haven graduations (video) (7/8/20)
- Steve Bingham ’64 writes San Francisco op-ed about traffic violence (7/3/20)
- Phil Anderson ’64 still singing with Vocal Majority Chorus (video) (7/3/20)
- Steve Clay ’64 recognized with Lifetime Achievement Award (6/28/20)
- Michelle Mead-Armor provides materials from 1964 Commencement (6/23/20)
- Gene Van Loan ’64 serves on NH Select Committee on Elections (6/20/20)
- Tim Mellon ’64 subject of WaPo article about Trump Super PAC (6/18/20)
- Stephen Greenblatt ’64 was “A Witness to a Mystery” (video) (6/11/20)
- Lee Sigal ’64 on a deal with North Korea (6/9/20)
- Tony Lavely ’64 teaches his granddaughters mythology (5/24/20)
- Stephen Greenblatt ’64 interviewed twice online (videos) (5/20/20)
- Stephen Greenblatt ’64 writes about Shakespeare and the Plague (5/20/20)
- Many ’64 classmates adopt Zoom for virtual get-togethers (5/12/20)
- Sam Francis ’64 on EMS in the time of coronavirus (5/7/20)
- Dr. Frank Franklin ’64 on loosening coronavirus restrictions (4/28/20)
- Tristan Kiekel ’64 (honorary) featured in Yale Daily News lead story (4/21/20)
- Chuck Mokriski ’64 thanked by Yale for scholarship fund (4/21/20)
- Tony Lavely ’64 signs up for a new YAA mentoring program (4/9/20)
- Phil Anderson ’64 reflects on sheltering in place (4/6/20)
- Jim Rogers ’64 is desperate to hit the road (4/2/20)
- Angus Gillespie ’64 on similarities between coronavirus and 9/11 (4/2/20)
- Len Gaffga ’64 publishes new book about his Navy career (3/29/20)
- Dick Ainsworth ’64 on his career, Dick Cheney, and his relocation (3/29/20)
- Sam Low ’64 reflecting on his Hawaiian ancestors’ history (3/29/20)
- Ted Jones ’64 reports on Kiphuth Pool project (3/27/20)
- “The Old Campus” revisited from 60 years ago (3/22/20)
- Stephen Greenblatt ’64 writes two coronavirus-themed articles (3/18/20)
- Terry Holcombe ’64 updates the Sunrise Café story (3/14/20)
- Edward Massey ’64 publishes his fourth book (3/14/20)
- Waldo Johnston ’64’s son Cory’s memorial service (video) (3/8/20)
- Chris Getman ’64 sends update about Yetsa Tuakli-Wosornu ’01 (3/6/20)
- Howard Gillette ’64 is writing a new book about the urban crisis (3/3/20)
- Timothy Breen ’64 writes a review in The New York Review of Books (2/27/20)
- Bob Kaiser ’64 reviews 3 books in The New York Review of Books (2/27/20)
- Bill Morse ’64 honored by high-school scholarship in New Haven (2/15/20)
- Bob Musil ’64 interviewed on NPR in 2017 (audio) (2/13/20)
- John Tully ’64 recognized by National Academy of Sciences (2/12/20)
- Bill Fink ’64, legendary importer of Morgan cars, dies in tragic fire (2/12/20)
- Tony Lavely ’64 meets Architecture Dean Deborah Berke (2/10/20)
- Sam Low ’64 writes a Martha's Vineyard map of the heart (2/9/20)
- 1964 Class Council, 25 members strong, meets at SOM (2/8/20)
- 1964 Class Council meets with students from the WFB Program (2/8/20)
- 1964 Class Council honors Yale police officer Tristan Kiekel (2/8/20)
- 1964 Class Council renews support for Squash Haven (2/8/20)
- 1964 Class Council renews support for URI summer intern (2/8/20)
- Bill Morse ’64 confirmed by 1964 Class Council as delegate to YAA (2/8/20)
- John Nathan ’64 writes about honoring a Yale Law School classmate (2/8/20)
- Dick Berk ’64 in NY Times article on algorithms in criminal justice (2/7/20)
- Holcombe, Jones, Massey, Lavely ’64 serve breakfast at Sunrise Café (2/7/20)
- John Ashcroft ’64 cited in new book about Jimmy Hoffa (2/5/20)
- Tony Lavely ’64 attends School of Forestry event in Atlanta (2/5/20)
- 1964 classmates remember Harold Bloom (2/5/20)
- John Howells ’64 and Chris Getman ’64 liked The Millionaires’ Unit (2/5/20)
- Pat Caviness ’64 and Frederique sponsor art barrels on Koh Samui (2/4/20)
- Sam Francis ’64 and Tony Lavely ’64 on Facebook usage (2/4/20)
- Mac Deford ’64 and Jay Lavely ’65 reunite with Beirut teachers (2/4/20)
- Tony Lavely ’64 meets quadruplets at Yale playing football (videos) (2/4/20)
- A reader of YAM Alumni Notes unearths news of Martin Padley ’64 (2/3/20)
- Roger Webb ’64 writes an op-ed on why we believe this stuff (2/3/20)
- Nancy Upper lands Jay Gitlin gig in Boston in November 2020 (2/2/20)
- Tony Lee ’64 and Neil Hoffman ’64 circulate papers on climate crisis (2/2/20)
- Angus Gillespie ’64 bids farewell as Director of NJ Folk Festival (2/2/20)
- Chris Getman ’64 leads the New Haven Symphony Orchestra (video) (2/2/20)
- Sam Low ’64 reminisces about skydiving (2/1/20)
- Class of 1964 supports URI intern (video) (2/1/20)
- Chris Getman ’64 meets Yale SEAL freshman Jimmy Hatch (audio) (1/27/20)
- Neil Hoffmann ’64 reminds us about Gus Speth’s great work (1/22/20)
- Stephen Greenblatt ’64 interviewed about his fan Angela Merkel (1/15/20)
- Joe Lieberman ’64 on the impeachment trial (1/15/20)
- Chas Freeman ’64 on the killing of Suleimani (1/6/20)
- Chris Getman ’64 commends Yale doctor Yetsa Tuakli-Wosornu ’01 (1/6/20)
- Angus Macdonald ’64 covered in Orange County Review (1/2/20)
- Frank Franklin ’64 presented to The Harvard Club of Alabama (12/23/19)
- Many ’64 classmates went to The Game, a double-overtime thriller (12/22/19)
- Jonathan Leader ’64 thanked for Leader Family Scholarships (12/22/19)
- Chris Getman ’64 reports URI’s 25th anniversary (12/22/19)
- Jon McBride ’64 reports Squash Haven successes in 2019 (12/22/19)
- Michael Nagel ’64 reports on Yale Christmas dinner in London (12/22/19)
- Joe Lieberman ’64 and son Matt talk politics, freedom, and religion (12/22/19)
- Terry Holcombe ’64 spots a Good Samaritan on campus (12/21/19)
- Don Edwards ’64 reports on the 2019 YAA Assembly (12/21/19)
- Tony Lavely ’64 and Sam Francis ’64 at YAA Assembly (video) (12/21/19)
- Chris Getman ’64 spots four 1964 basketballers at Mory’s (12/21/19)
- Joe Lieberman ’64’s son Matt is running for U.S. Senate in Georgia (12/21/19)
- Pete Putzel ’64, the Nov. NYC luncheon, and Wilbur Cross (video) (12/21/19)
- Jerry Flannelly ’64 reports on Boston-area classmate luncheon (12/20/19)
- Peter von Braun ’64 writes a sad vignette of his life (12/20/19)
- Owen O’Donnell ’64 organizes inaugural lunch in San Francisco (12/20/19)
- Dick Ainsworth ’64 writes a poignant update of his life (12/20/19)
- Bob Musil ’64 interviewed on his Vietnam experiences (audio) (12/19/19)
- Mike Shapiro ’64’s sister Deborah writes a letter to YAM (12/19/19)
- Bob Musil ’64 speaks at historic “Church of the Presidents” in DC (12/18/19)
- Gerry Shea ’64 is honored by the city of Reims (11/19/19)
- Dan Pollack ’64 reports on “Moose Jaw” reunion with classmates (11/15/19)
- 1964 Calhoun College roommates reunite in Ireland (11/15/19)
- See a map of Yale ’64 classmates (11/7/19)
- Harold Bloom, critic who championed Western Canon, dies at 89 (11/7/19)
- Carm Cozza reminisced (11/6/19)
- Mike Sherwood ’64 receives Lifetime Achievement Award (11/3/19)
- Ed Trippe ’64 quoted in NYT about his experiences with Pan Am (11/1/19)
- Yale ’64 golfers return to Cape Cod (9/29/19)
- David Swensen (hon. ’64) lauded in Business Week (9/25/19)
- Rick Salomon ’64’s wife writes about surviving cancer (9/18/19)
- Joe Wishcamper ’64 recognized for affordable housing advocacy (9/11/19)
- Angus Gillespie ’64 writes opinion piece on remembering 9/11 (9/11/19)
- Chas Freeman ’64 addresses the Foreign Policy Association (9/10/19)
- Jeremy Scott Wood ’64 recalls William Sloan Coffin (9/10/19)
- Brad Reynolds ’64 quoted on college admissions (9/2/19)
- Special 55th Reunion URI tour of New Haven urban forestry (8/22/19)
- Bob Musil ’64 quoted in New Yorker article on climate change (8/19/19)
- Joe Lieberman ’64 interviewed on CNN about Israel (8/19/19)
- Jim Rogers ’64 on the US economy, gold, and Bitcoin (audio) (8/18/19)
- Read the moving eulogies from our 55th Reunion Memorial Service (7/29/19)
- Jim Rogers ’64 interviewed by The Yale Politic (7/27/19)
- Heartwarming letter from Squash Haven member (7/26/19)
- Tim Breen ’64 writes an opinion piece in The New York Times (7/3/19)
- Jim Rogers is " ’64’s Phileas Fogg" (video) (7/2/19)
- Don Van Doren "Living Off-the-Grid" (video) (6/26/19)
- Nancy Upper "Power of Ampersand" (video) (6/25/19)
- Waldo Johnston ’64 "Geezers Go Sailing" (video) (6/19/19)
- Soren West ’64 "Unto the Hills" (video) (6/21/19)
- Rick Hatton ’64 "Aerial Firefighting" (video) (6/18/19)
- Al Rossiter ’64 "Writings from Prison" (video) (6/17/19)
- Paul Ruden ’64 "Blogging" (video) (6/5/19)
- Stephen Greenblatt ’64 "Distant Cousins" (video) (6/4/19)
- Peter Giblin ’64 "In Vino Veritas" (video) (6/4/19)
- Sam Francis ’64 "Facts Matter" (video) (6/1/19)
- Jan Truebner named 1964 honorary classmate (5/31/19)
- Peter Pulaski named 1964 honorary classmate (5/29/19)
- Tony Lavely ’64 writes an opinion piece in the Yale Daily News (5/25/19)
- John Marshall Lee ’64 writes an original Psalm every month (5/21/19)
- Chris Getman ’64 posts an uplifting story from New Haven (audio) (5/18/19)
- Dan Berman ’64 protests another Yale honorary degree (5/13/19)
- Twelve ’64 classmates attend David Plimpton’s memorial service (4/30/19)
- Joe Lieberman ’64 honored at The National WWII Museum (5/10/19)
- URI gets glowing coverage in Hartford Courant (4/29/19)
- Sam Low ’64 remembers boyhood wreck diving (4/25/19)
- Bob Kaiser ’64 on "Can a president be too old?" (4/24/19)
- Richard Patterson ’64 finds an article about Yale admissions in 1960 (3/22/19)
- Nancy Upper: Understand the Ampersand (3/15/19)
- Gerry Shea ’64 speaks at the University of Chicago (video) (3/13/19)
- 1964 Class Council continues URI support (3/12/19)
- Jim Rogers ’64 on the upcoming catastrophic recession (video) (2/22/19)
- Joe Lieberman ’64 on Bernie Sanders (video) (2/20/19)
- Pete Putzel ’64 reports on his Yale Law School 50th Reunion (1/14/19)
- Joe Lieberman ’64 on Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (video) (1/11/19)
- Jim Rogers ’64 gives generously to underwrite reunion attendance (12/22/18)
- Jim Rogers ’64 has daughters more talented than he is (video) (12/19/18)
- Blaine Krickl ’64 reports on a happy Sunday luncheon in London (12/19/18)
- Jim Rogers ’64 quoted in The New York Times on the economy (12/19/18)
- Terry Holcombe ‘64 shares a memory of George H. W. Bush ’48 (12/11/18)
- Rich Peck ‘64 reflects on 1960s racism (12/11/18)
- Spike Forbes ’64 has a new book, A Tree in the Woods (11/15/18)
- Don Edwards ’64 reports on the AYA Assembly on Science at Yale (11/10/18)
- Tony Lee ’64 writes to the Boston Globe on the Kavanaugh hearings (11/5/18)
- Chris Getman ’64 reports on the fall golf outing (10/31/18)
- Russell Sunshine ’64 writes about falconry (10/31/18)
- Gerry Shea ’64 speaks at Yale on sign languages (video) (10/23/18)
- Jim Duderstadt ’64 featured speaker at November 2 event (10/23/18)
- Tom Lovejoy ’64 writes a challenging editorial on climate change (9/19/18)
- Chris Getman ’64 calls our attention to the Yale Bowl’s ranking (9/19/18)
- Terry Holcombe ‘64 accepts Yale award for Kurn Hattin Homes (9/19/18)
- Dan Berman ’64 succeeds in effort to rescind Cosby’s Yale degree (9/19/18)
- Stephen Greenblatt ’64: NY Times reviews his book Tyrant (9/19/18)
- Joe Lieberman ’64 delivers eulogy for John McCain (video) (9/18/18)
- Class of 1964 enjoys trip in the Canadian Rockies (7/29/18)
- Tom Barnard ’64 on global warming (video) (6/14/18)
- 1964 Class Council continues URI support (video) (5/28/18)
- Paul Ruden ’64 writes about life in NYC (4/24/18)
- Paul Steiger ’64 named to New York Journalism Hall of Fame (3/15/18)
- Tony Lee ’64 recommends Amy Chua’s article on tribalism in politics (3/3/18)
- Rolf Dumke rejoins the Class of 1964 with a personal essay (2/14/18)
- Tony Lavely ’64 attends Yale Alumni Fund Board meeting (2/12/18)
- Lecture on "Vincent Scully and the Power of Language" (video) (2/9/18)
- Howard Gillette ’64 wins Visionary Historian Award (2/5/18)
- Terry Holcombe ‘64 remembers an Ashcroft-Comey connection (2/3/18)
- Joe Lieberman ’64 editorial in The Hill (1/24/18)
- Peter Conrad ’64 critiques the colleges (1/20/18)
- Tony Knowles ’64 resigns as head of National Parks Advisory Board (1/16/18)
- Dr. Martin Luther King’s message to our Class, June 1964 (audio) (1/15/18)
- Carm Cozza, legendary Yale football coach, dies at 87 (1/9/18)
- Vincent Scully, one of our most popular professors, dies at 97 (video) (1/1/18)
- Don Edwards ’64 reports on the 2017 AYA Assembly (12/20/17)
- Lee Sigal ’64 testifies on Korea before the Senate (video) (11/17/17)
- Chris Getman ’64 reports on lunch at Benjamin Franklin College (11/2/17)
- Stephen Greenblatt ’64 interviewed on Adam and Eve (audio) (10/25/17)
- Chris Getman ’64 reports on the fall golf outing (10/22/17)
- Stephen Greenblatt ’64 on Adam and Eve (10/8/17)
- Toby Tompkins ’64 on academic conniption fits (10/8/17)
- Gerry Shea ’64: An excerpt from his new book (9/20/17)
- Tony Lee ’64: Summer 2017 out west (9/20/17)
- Gene Van Loan ’64: Sour Lemons (5/30/17)
- Jim Rogers ’64 on Ivy League education (video) (5/30/17)
- Stephen Greenblatt ’64 on performing Hamlet around the world (5/30/17)
- Chris Getman ’64 comments on the new Handsome Dan (video) (5/29/17)
- Joe Lieberman ’64 interviewed to be FBI director (5/29/17)
- Erik Midelfort ’64 participating in Yale Educational Travel trip (5/29/17)
- Lee Sigal ’64 on misplaying the China card with North Korea (5/2/17)
- Jim Rogers ’64, intrepid investor, finds bumpy road to North Korea (3/5/17)
- Thomas Lovejoy ’64 wins NCSE Lifetime Achievement Award (2/7/17)
- Bob Musil ’64 appears in PBS film on Rachel Carson (video) (2/5/17)
- Jock Reynolds (Hon. ’64) to retire in 2018 (2/5/17)
- Soren West ’64 hikes the Appalachian Trail (11/28/16)
- Don Edwards ’64 reports on the 2016 AYA Assembly (11/28/16)
- KT McFarland, wife of Alan McFarland ’64, on White House staff (11/27/16)
- Bob Kaiser ’64 on "The Closed Mind of Mitch" (11/27/16)
- Tony Lavely ’64 elected to Yale Alumni Fund Board of Directors (11/11/16)
- Class of 1964 Portal taking shape in Benjamin Franklin College (11/11/16)
- David Swensen (hon. ’64) featured in The New York Times (11/7/16)
- Gerald Shea ’64: Subject of a French documentary film (video) (10/27/16)
- Sam Callaway ’64 appointed to the 1964 Class Council (10/27/16)
- Jethro Lieberman ’64 on "The Thing About Books" (10/26/16)
- Stephen Greenblatt ’64: Shakespeare explains the 2016 election (10/9/16)
- Stephen Greenblatt ’64 participates in Shylock’s appeal (10/9/16)
- Golf outing on Cape Cod a success despite the monsoon (10/3/16)
- Gene Van Loan ’64: Keep Donald and Hillary out of the White House (9/23/16)
- Class of 1964 support helps Squash Haven’s first Yale freshman (9/15/16)
- Len Baker ’64 appointed to Yale Committee on Renaming (9/14/16)
- Handsome Dan XVII (Hon. ’64) passes away (video) (8/18/16)
- Jim Rogers ’64 interviewed by The Freedom Friend (video) (8/16/16)
- Baker ’64, Brennan ’64, and Levengood ’64 on leadership call (8/10/16)
- Chas Freeman ’64: A review of his new book on the Middle East (8/3/16)
- Squash Haven appreciates Class of 1964 support (7/12/16)
- Thomas Hout ’64 on "Can China’s companies conquer the world?" (7/11/16)
- Spring golf outing well attended (7/11/16)
- David Swensen ’64 inspires new Swensen Fellows program (7/2/16)
- Blaine Krickl ’64 and Karl Ziegler ’64 report on a London reunion (6/15/16)
- Dan Berman ’64 reviews the latest book by Gus Speth ’64 (6/13/16)
- Jim Rogers ’64 predicts next financial crisis will be worse than 2008 (5/21/16)
- Jim Rogers ’64 predicts "bad day is waiting for us" (video) (5/1/16)
- Chas Freeman ’64 on Chairman Mao (5/1/16)
- Russell Sunshine ’64 publishes his memoir of an international life (5/1/16)
- The Class of 1964 Gateway will be in Benjamin Franklin College (4/30/16)
- Neil Hoffmann ’64 joins Class Council, replacing Gus Speth (4/29/16)
- Sam Francis ’64 and Tony Lavely ’64 scout Atlanta for mini-reunion (4/29/16)
- David Swensen shapes Yale portfolio to address climate change (4/27/16)
- Robert Kaiser ’64 on "The Disaster of Richard Nixon" (4/27/16)
- Stephen Greenblatt ’64 on "How Shakespeare Lives Now" (4/27/16)
- Stephen Greenblatt ’64 and Bob Kaiser ’64 with NYRB cover stories (4/27/16)
- David Swensen (Honorary ’64) lauded again for investment prowess (4/12/16)
- Annual Class Council meeting has full agenda (4/11/16)
- Class Council meets with students from Yale Afro American Center (4/11/16)
- Jim Burdick ’64 advocates a single-payer health-care system (4/11/16)
- 1964 basketball teammates watch Yale win in March Madness (4/10/16)
- Coach Tony Reno (Honorary ’64) has recruiting successes (video) (4/10/16)
- Edward Massey ’64 hosts a roommate reunion (4/10/16)
- 1964 Class Council reviews Class survey and statistics (4/10/16)
- 1964 Class Council renews support for Mory’s (4/9/16)
- 1964 Class Council hears about Squash Haven successes (4/9/16)
- 1964 Class Council hears about URI summer project (video) (4/7/16)
- Class of ’64 Support Network activity report (4/7/16)
- New AYA delegate Edwards and Council member Plimpton named (4/6/16)
- Sam Low ’64 announces the NYC visit of Hokule’a (video) (4/6/16)
- Nortin Hadler ’64 on the doctor-patient relationship (audio) (4/2/16)
- Gene Van Loan ’64 on "Limited to Defeat" (3/20/16)
- Stephen Greenblatt ’64 wins Norway’s Holberg Prize (3/12/16)
- Class of ’64 Gateway progresses in new residential colleges (video) (3/8/16)
- Jim Rogers ’64 predicts 100% chance of recession (video) (3/8/16)
- Rick Kaminsky ’64 remembers the 1962 basketball champs (audio) (2/23/16)
- Class Council passes resolution of appreciation for Ward Cates (2/10/16)
- Squash Haven wins four national titles (1/23/16)
- Bob Musil ’64 discusses Rachel Carson’s legacy (video) (1/12/16)
- Gus Speth ’64 on "America the Possible" (video) (1/9/16)
- Squash Haven reports great results (1/6/16)
- Yale Glee Club gives a spectacular performance on the train (video) (12/11/15)
- Joe Lieberman ’64 receives national leadership award (12/7/15)
- Larry Crutcher ’64 reports on the 2015 AYA Assembly (video) (11/30/15)
- Chris Getman ’64 reports on the fall golf outing (11/24/15)
- Rick Hatton ’64 interviewed on fighting fires from the air (videos) (11/13/15)
- John Jeavons ’64 on biointensive farming (video) (11/13/15)
- Bill Duesing ’64 honored with NOFA Lifetime Achievement Award (11/11/15)
- Handsome Dan appointed Midshipman Captain in Yale’s NROTC (11/11/15)
- John Ashcroft ’64 debates at Yale Political Union (video) (11/7/15)
- Dan Northway rejoins the Class of 1964 (11/7/15)
- Terry Holcombe ’64 comments on the campus "counterrevolution" (11/7/15)
- Sam Low ’64 speaking about Hōkūle‘a’s worldwide voyage (11/7/15)
- Jim Rogers ’64 on Russia’s economic outlook (video) (11/7/15)
- Chip O’Neill ’64 reports on 1963 mini-reunion in France (11/7/15)
- Chris Getman ’64 "Living with a Celebrity" (video) (10/16/15)
- David Swensen (hon. ’64) lauded for investment prowess (10/8/15)
- Stephen Greenblatt ’64 on teaching Shakespeare (9/22/15)
- David Brooks ’64 "Falling in Love with God" (video) (9/2/15)
- Mike Pyle ’61, captain of 1960 undefeated football team, dies at 76 (8/24/15)
- Class of 1964 entryway taking shape in the new colleges (8/24/15)
- Jim Duderstadt ’64 writes the recent history of the U. of Michigan (8/23/15)
- Bill Duesing ’64 on the labeling of GMO foods (8/21/15)
- Handsome Dan becomes Chairman of the Board (video) (8/19/15)
- URI intern, sponsored by Class of 1964, is featured online (8/14/15)
- Bob Lamson ’64 — his book reviewed by The Huffington Post (7/29/15)
- Howard Gillette ’64 — his book reviewed by the Wall Street Journal (7/28/15)
- Jim Rogers ’64 on Greece deal, etc. (video) (7/25/15)
- Chris Getman ’64 and Handsome Dan at Yale commencement (7/14/15)
- Yale’s "Solar Decathlon" team solicits support from alumni (7/12/15)
- Squash Haven has best-ever championship results (7/12/15)
- Nortin Hadler ’64 delivers commencement address (video) (7/12/15)
- Fink ’64, Howell ’64, McAlenney ’64, Trippe ’64 row at Henley (video) (7/12/15)
- 1964 Class survey shows strong classmate connections (7/8/15)
- Coach Tony Reno (honorary ’64) uses mobile app for recruiting (6/30/15)
- Tom Powers ’64 remembers Joseph Mitchell (6/19/15)
- Announcing the Class of 1964 Support Network (6/15/15)
- Chris Getman ’64 reports on the spring golf outing (6/12/15)
- Gus Speth ’64 on systemic problems and solutions (6/12/15)
- Howard Gillette ’64 — his book reviewed by the Philadelphia Inquirer (6/6/15)
- Stephen Greenblatt ’64 book review (5/25/15)
- Tony Lavely ’64 meets with "Students and Alumni of Yale" (audios) (5/16/15)
- Al Rossiter ’64, John Evans ’64, Jon McBride ’64 with Classic Whiffs (5/14/15)
- Terry Holcombe and Nick von Baillou interviewed on senior societies (5/8/15)
- "Class of ’64 Gateway" in new colleges under construction (5/8/15)
- Bob Buchanan ’64 speaks at George Mason University (video) (5/8/15)
- Len Baker ’64 represents our Class at groundbreaking ceremony (4/28/15)
- Terry Holcombe ’64 discovers Kingman Brewster’s inaugural speech (4/1/15)
- Bill Roth ’64 honored on the Senate floor (3/27/15)
- Yale HGS tower named for David Swensen, hon. ’64 (3/26/15)
- Stephen Greenblatt ’64 on "Shakespeare in Tehran" (3/25/15)
- 1964 Class Council applauds presentation by URI summer intern (3/12/15)
- 1964 Class Council supports the "new" Mory’s (3/12/15)
- 1964 Class Council sees Squash Haven demonstration (3/11/15)
- 1964 Class Council names Tony Reno as honorary classmate (3/11/15)
- Annual Class Council meeting expands Class initiatives (3/11/15)
- Yale remembers Selma, then and now (3/11/15)
- Edward Massey ’64 "Heroic Acts of Ordinary People" (3/10/15)
- Joe Lieberman ’64 "Hear Out Israel’s Leader" (3/10/15)
- Gus Speth ’64 "How I Became a Radical" (2/4/15)
- William Gould ’64 "Peace in Our Time" (video) (1/17/15)
- Joe Lieberman ’64 on the jihadist threat (1/7/15)
- Larry Crutcher ’64 on "The Entrepreneurial Spirit at Yale" (1/7/15)
- Edward Massey ’64 interviewed online (audio) (1/7/15)
- Yale football coach reveals new recruiting weapon (1/7/15)
- Arthur Howe Jr., Yale Admissions Dean 1956-1964, dies at 93 (12/27/14)
- Chris Getman ’64 celebrates 50 years in The Bowl (12/21/14)
- Don Leka ’64 "Performing Anywhere, Anytime" (video) (12/17/14)
- Gerry Shea ’64 on living with partial deafness (videos & audios) (12/8/14)
- Bo Huhn ’64 "Developmental Lessons for Grandchildren" (video) (11/28/14)
- Sam Low ’64 receives Cronkite Award (11/3/14)
- Paul Balser ’64 recognized in Yale’s "Partners Through Giving" (11/3/14)
- Ed Ranney’s book The Lines reviewed (11/3/14)
- Stephen Bingham ’64 interviewed by Marin Magazine (10/31/14)
- Stephen Greenblatt ’64 on Shakespeare’s debt to Montaigne (10/31/14)
- Chris Getman ’64 enjoys life with Handsome Dan (10/24/14)
- Jim Rogers ’64 interviewed twice in Futures Magazine (10/22/14)
- Class of ’64 fall golf outing is the usual travesty (10/17/14)
- Ed Massey ’64 interviewed on "Voices of the West" (audio) (10/15/14)
- Paul Manchester ’64’s daughter wins $1M on Wheel (video) (9/21/14)
- Chris Getman ’64 takes the ALS ice-bucket challenge (video) (9/8/14)
- Per Wickstrom ’64 "Why I Paint" (video) (8/26/14)
- Roy Regozin ’64 "A Peace of My Mind" (video) (8/26/14)
- Robert Whitby ’64 "Six and a Half Summits" (video) (8/13/14)
- Gus Speth ’64 publishes a memoir (8/12/14)
- Our Class gift sets a record (8/2/14)
- Photo album from our 50th Reunion (video) (7/21/14)
- 1964 Whiffenpoofs sing in Millbrook NY (6/25/14)
- Sam Francis ’64 "A Universe From Nothing" (video) (6/19/14)
- Review of Rachel Carson and Her Sisters by Bob Musil ’64 (6/18/14)
- Gateway to new college to be named in honor of Class of 1964 (6/13/14)
- Honorary classmate David Swenson awarded Yale honorary degree (5/27/14)
- Stephen Greenblatt ’64 on Shakespeare’s 450th birthday (4/26/14)
- Howard Gillette ’64 comments on 50th reunions (4/16/14)
- Jim Rogers ’64 on "How I see the world ..." (video) (3/12/14)
- Class luncheons at the Yale Club of New York this winter (3/12/14)
- Len Gaffga ’64 visits his family in Lesotho (3/11/14)
- Word Cloud: What does a graphical version of Class Notes look like? (3/9/14)
- President Salovey’s visit to the White House (3/9/14)
- Sherwin Nuland, speaker at our 45th reunion, dies at 83 (audio) (3/9/14)
- Bob Kaiser ’64 on today’s Washington (3/2/14)
- Sam Low ’64 honors his father (2/21/14)
- Paul Steiger ’64 on "Three Golden Ages of Journalism" (2/10/14)
- A Movie from the Yale Reunion of 1969 (video) (2/1/14)
- Sam Low ’64 interviewed about Polynesian voyaging canoe (audio) (1/26/14)
- Jim Rogers ’64 speaks at Skagen Funds Conference (video) (1/25/14)
- Doug Lea ’64 and wife Julie on Bequia (1/19/14)
- Thanks to Yale ’64 from URI intern (video) (1/12/14)
- Edward P. Evans Hall opens for classes (1/9/14)
- Edward Massey ’64 contributes a blog to Western Fictioneers (1/9/14)
- Steve Norman ’64 reports on 2013 AYA Assembly (1/9/14)
- Tony Morris ’64 interviewed by Wildfire Research Network (audio) (1/8/14)
- Len Baker ’64 awarded Yale Medal (12/21/13)
- Jock Reynolds (hon. ’64) interviewed (video) (12/20/13)
- Chas Freeman ’64 on "Snowden and Snooping" (12/18/13)
- Papers of Robert Sexton ’64 to be archived by U. of Kentucky (11/21/13)
- Syd Lea ’64 on Mrs. Ragnetti and the Spider (11/10/13)
- Jim Rogers ’64 interviewed by Fortune (11/10/13)
- Inauguration of Peter Salovey as Yale’s President (video) (11/10/13)
- Gus Speth ’64 says "Change everything now" (11/9/13)
- Fall golf outing has customary confusing outcome (11/2/13)
- Charles Ervin ’64, violin aficionado, analyzes Strad violins (videos) (10/21/13)
- Chris Getman ’64 and Handsome Dan join Salovey festivities (10/16/13)
- Chas Freeman ’64 writes about China (9/16/13)
- Rick Hatton ’64 leads aerial effort in California fire fight (9/2/13)
- Karl Ziegler ’64 on wildlife preservation (8/30/13)
- John Hollander, poet and Yale professor, dies at 83 (8/24/13)
- Tony Morris ’64 writes about Bastille Day (7/28/12)
- Bob Kaiser ’64 on Dodd-Frank (book reviews) (7/26/13)
- Jock Reynolds, Director of the Yale Art Gallery, hon. ’64 (7/27/13)
- Musical Memorial for Bunt McKee ’64 (6/30/13)
- URI sponsorship by our Class has impact (video) (6/22/13)
- Gus Speth ’64 gives UMass commencement address (video) (6/22/13)
- Jim Rogers ’64 on the commodities bull market (video) (5/21/13)
- Golf outing ’64 as reported by the chronicler (5/19/13)
- Gus Speth ’64 attends special celebration at SF&ES (5/16/13)
- Loring Knoblauch ’64 reports on Class lunch in Chicago (5/16/13)
- Gerry Shea ’64 at his London book signing (5/16/13)
- Peter Jokl ’64 headlines Mory’s lunch (4/17/13)
- Lee Sigal ’64 on Korea (4/13/13)
- Paul Steiger ’64 awarded honorary doctorate by Columbia (4/8/13)
- John Evans ’64 on The Swerve by Stephen Greenblatt ’64 (3/18/13)
- Ted Jones ’64 reports on Pierson’s 80th anniversary (3/18/13)
- Jim Rogers ’64 is "brutally honest" (3/18/13)
- Dick Berk ’64 quoted on affirmative action (3/18/13)
- Tom Powers ’64 on "Warrior Petraeus" (3/11/13)
- Annual Class Council meeting and URI intern presentation (3/7/13)
- Stephen Greenblatt ’64 on Richard III’s exhumation (2/7/13)
- Jim Rogers ’64 interviewed on Yahoo! Finance (video) (2/5/13)
- Edward P. Evans Hall one year from opening (video) (1/29/13)
- Sydney Lea ’64 on A North Country LIfe (1/29/13)
- Chas Freeman ’64 on the Grand Waffle (1/29/13)
- Gus Speth ’64 on charting a new course (1/29/13)
- Dick Berk ’64 on forecasting criminal behavior (video) (1/29/13)
- Joe Lieberman ’64 joins The Three Amigos (video) (1/29/13)
- Tony Morris ’64 remembers New Haven on Nov. 22, 1963 (1/29/13)
- Martin Padley ’64 weds Melissa (1/24/13)
- Chris Getman ’64 is no stranger to drama (12/28/12)
- Joe Lieberman’s farewell to the Senate (12/20/12)
- Gus Speth ’64 on "America the Possible" (op-ed with videos) (11/21/12)
- Ezra Stiles College 50th reunion (11/13/12)
- The last days of Joementum (11/11/12)
- Edward P. Evans Hall progresses (10/24/12)
- Joe Lieberman ’64, "party of one" (9/23/12)
- Class of ’64 expats celebrate their 70th in London (9/21/12)
- Gus Speth ’64, the "ultimate insider," goes radical (9/18/12)
- Chas Freeman ’64 on America in post-imperialist times (9/17/12)
- Jon McBride ’64 on organizational ombudsmen (6/3/12)
- John Jeavons ’64 on biointensive farming (video) (5/15/12)
- Yale ’64 golfers stunned by fair weather (5/13/12)
- Jim Rogers ’64 spoke at Mory’s (5/1/12)
- Stephen Greenblatt ’64 wins Pulitzer Prize (4/25/12)
- Tony Morris ’64 writes of wildfires (4/16/12)
- David Sherman ’64 invites ’64s to memorial service in London (4/3/12)
- Opinions by Chris Getman ’64 reverberate (4/3/12)
- Angus Gillespie ’64 and the Holland and Lincoln Tunnels (3/5/12)
- Jon McBride ’64 and Steve Norman ’64 on whistleblowing (2/11/12)
- See the intriguing presentation by our URI intern to the Class Council (2/4/12)
- Ed Ranney ’64 featured in Fraction Magazine (2/1/12)
- Artwork (for sale) by Per Wickstrom ’64 (1/16/12)
- Lee Sigal ’64 on the rebirth of North Korean Leadership (1/13/12)
- Dick Berk ’64 can predict crime before it happens (1/13/12)
- Paintings by Mike Mazer ’64 (1/8/12)
- Andy Harris ’64 wins National Purpose Award (1/8/12)
- Steve Norman ’64 reports on AYA Assembly (1/8/12)
- Wendell Mottley ’64 remembers "The Miracle Team" (video) (12/16/11)
- Stephen Greenblatt ’64 wins National Book Award (12/7/11)
- Chris Getman ’64 awarded "Lifetime of Leadership" Award (video) (11/18/11)
- Terry Holcombe ’64 awarded the Yale Medal (11/17/11)
- Chris Getman ’64: A boy and his dog (11/9/11)
- Professor John Morton Blum dies (10/19/11)
- Tom Powers ’64 book review: The weapons that were not there (10/3/11)
- Vivian Donnelley named honorary member of our class (9/29/11)
- Listen to the 1964 Whiffenpoofs’ LP album (9/18/11)
- Chris Getman ’64 to receive Yale Leadership Award (9/15/11)
- Stephen Greenblatt ’64 on Lucretius and death (9/13/11)
- Sydney Lea ’64 is Vermont’s new Poet Laureate (9/10/11)
- David Swensen (hon. ’64) on mutual funds (9/1/11)
- Bob Kaiser ’64 reviews Dick Cheney’s new book (9/1/11)
- Terry Holcombe ’64 awarded Yale Medal (8/23/11)
- Howard Gillette ’64 is honored on his retirement (6/27/11)
- Gus Speth ’64 articulates a new vision of economic growth (6/8/11)
- Spring golf outing plagued by fair weather (5/16/11)
- Ned Evans ’64 landmark $50M gift names SOM campus (5/14/11)
- Stephen Greenblatt ’64 on Shakespeare (or not) (5/13/11)
- Update: Memorial bricks at Mory’s for Class of 1964 (5/4/11)
- Ed Massey ’64 skis all 18 Utah ski areas, 367,000 vertical feet (4/22/11)
- 50th Reunion Leadership Announced (4/14/11)
- Jon Auerbach ’64: Financier of new frontiers (4/1/11)
- Chris Getman ’64 hosts Feb Club in Antarctica (1/30/11)
- Joe Lieberman ’64 announces his Senate retirement (1/23/11)
- Ned Evans ’64 donates $50 million to the Yale SOM (1/13/11)
- Jim Rogers ’64: ’More crises down the road’ (12/19/10)
- Class of ’64 wins AYA award of excellence (11/21/10)
- Henry McCance ’64 interviewed on NPR on Alzheimer’s research (11/13/10)
- Rabbi Van Lanckton ’64 on reversing environmental damage (11/8/10)
- Fall ’64 golf outing is the usual travesty (11/8/10)
- Gus Speth ’64 on changing America’s mind (7/16/10)
- Spring ’64 golf outing is not up to par (5/9/10)
- Ed Trippe ’64 and Bermuda’s Tucker’s Point (4/26/10)
- Video of Ed Massey ’64 describing Telluride Promise (12/6/09)
- Chris Getman ’64 takes Handsome Dan to tea (11/9/09)
- Daughter of Steve Bingham ’64 dies in bicycle crash (10/19/09)
- Class of 1964 ties now include a bowtie option(10/10/09)
- Trumbull Beer ’N Bike Races 1961 - 1963 (9/6/09)
- Water Wars and Ecology Action (John Jeavons ’64)(6/13/09)
- Rob Waterman ’64 loving it in Colorado (4/6/09)
- Jim Rogers ’64 doesn’t mince words about the crisis (3/5/09)
- Bob Musil ’64 on Hope for a heated planet (2/5/09)
- Bob Kaiser ’64 on lobbying reform (2/2/09)
- 2008 year-end letter from Loring Knoblauch (’64)(1/12/09)
- Mory’s faces tough times(1/5/09)
- Class Golf Photos from Bermuda 2008 (11/18/08)
- Drop in for regular monthly Class luncheons at Yale Club of NYC (11/8/08)
- Final reports by ’64 Summer Environmental Fellows (10/15/08)
- Nortin Hadler ’64 "Worried Sick" (7/12/08)
- Bob Kaiser ’64 on Obama’s "Run for the Ages" (7/12/08)
- Joe Lieberman ’64 on "Democrats and Our Enemies" (5/26/08)
- Spring ’64 golf outing wildly successful (5/16/08)
- Jon Auerbach ’64 ― Financial frontiersman (4/4/08)
- Gus Speth ’64 on the problem with capitalism (3/21/08)
- Ed Price ’64: Coin collector par excellence (3/9/08)
- Jim Rogers ’64 hog wild for China (1/21/08)
- Reports from ’64 Summer Fellows for environmental studies (11/12/07)
- Gerry Shea ’64 waxes poetic re Iraq (9/26/07)
- Gus Speth ’64 leads trip to Brazil (9/23/07)
- Fall Dinner planned for NYC in October (9/14/07)
- Chicago-area classmates gather(7/27/07)
- Tony Morris ’64 fighting for the fire fighters (6/15/07)
- Yale ’64 unites the Balkans in London (5/16/07)
- New F&ES Kroon Hall named for Rick Kroon ’64 (3/18/07)
- Bob Kaiser ’64 on the U.S. being "Trapped by Hubris, Again" (1/19/07)
- Pictures from Minireunion 2006 in Chicago (10/16/06)
- Fall golf outing attracts the hard core(10/13/06)
- London classmates reminisce (8/16/06)
- Mike Austin ’64 donates Olympic gold medal (7/29/06)
- Mac Deford ’64 on the Middle East and terrorism (7/20/06)
- Commodities Bull Jim Rogers ’64 (7/16/06)
- "Fabled" Jim Rogers ’64 has the last laugh (6/12/06)
- Golf outing May 19, 2006 (5/19/06)
- Howard Gillette ’64 publishes Camden After the Fall (4/16/06)
- Gus Speth ’64 to NY Times on global warming (2/28/06)
- Classmates report on Katrina (2/11/06)
- Gerry Shea ’64 on terrorism and torture (2/5/06)
- Tony Lavely’s Christmas card 2005 (12/22/05)
- Gus Speth ’64, co-founder of NRDC, remembers (12/10/05)
- Gus Speth ’64 on Yale’s environmental leadership (12/5/05)
- Jon McBride’s son Webster on the road, and how (10/23/05)
- Angus Gillespie ’64 addresses Norwegian midshipmen (10/7/05)
- John Ashcroft ’64, America’s Crooning Crusader (8/18/05)
- Rick Kroon ’64 is Leadership Donor for New F&ES Building (7/24/05)
- Golf outing May 13, 2005 (5/13/05)
- Yale to select new bulldog (Getman ’64) (4/26/05)
- Son of Rick Kroon (’64) dies at Yale (4/24/05)
- Peter Rice ’64 defends actions in BU tularemia case (3/23/05)
- Lee Sigal ’64 on the Korean crisis (2/13/05)
- We’re Not Getting Older, We’re Getting Better (Peter Jokl ’64) (11/6/04)
- Tom Barton ’64 on "what makes Yalies run" (9/11/04)
- Bob Kaiser ’64 on "A Foreign Policy, Falling Apart" (6/20/04)
- Gus Speth ’64 reviewed in Time and The Economist (5/4/04)
- Bruce Driver ’64, "man of many talents," retires (4/19/04)
- U. Michigan names building after Jim Duderstadt ’64 (4/19/04)
- Golf outing April 16, 2004 (4/16/04)
- John Ashcroft ’64 and the 9/11 Commission (4/13/04)
- Letter from Sheldon Leader ’64 (4/10/04)
- Bill Fink ’64 and the Eccentric Morgan (4/6/04)
- The Beginning of the Endgame (Speth, ’64) (3/13/04)
- Richard Goodyear ’64 steps down as Andover Trustee (3/10/04)
- Bob Kaiser ’64 on his cardiovascular near-miss (3/1/04)
- Sam Low ’64 and Ron Parlato ’64 on Environmental Depletion (2/12/04)
- Private man, public success (Buchanan, ’64) (2/11/04)
- Russell Sunshine ’64 on Sri Lanka (1/21/04)
- Class of ’64 Summer Fellowship (1/5/04)
- Jim Duderstadt ’64 receives Yale award (11/24/03)
- Paul Steiger ’64 on Yale athletics (11/12/03)
- Getman ’64 and Duderstadt ’64 honored (9/26/03)
- London Minireunion (8/10/03)
- Letter to YAM by Tom Barton ’64 (8/7/03)
- Remembrances of Bill Madden (’62) by Dennis Lynch (’64) (7/11/03)
- Doonesbury on Lieberman ’64 (7/10/03)
- "Slip Knot" (Tim Breen, ’64) (5/26/03)
- Edward Ranney ’64 Photograph Exhibit (5/5/03)
- Andy Harris ’64 Runs Boston (4/21/03)
- Minireunion in Santa Fe (with pix) (11/7/02)
- Richard Shiffrin ’64 wins prize (9/2/02)
- Blue Planet Defender (Speth ’64) (9/2/02)
- Paul Manchester ’64 fights the Colonel (8/12/02)
- Parade Magazine on John Ashcroft ’64 (5/20/02)
- Jon Auerbach ’64 helps provide financial internships (5/17/02)
- Chuck Post ’64 and Rodrigo Martinez ’64 (5/14/02)
- Tom Susman ’64 on the people’s right to know (4/11/02)
- History of Burma-Shave signs (Odell ’64) (4/10/02)
- Andy Combe ’64 on Sep. 11 (3/2/02)
- Bob Kaiser ’64 on US-Saudi relations (2/13/02)
- Jim Rogers ’64 Around the World in 1000 Days (2/7/02)
- Al Adams ’64 on September 11 (11/8/01)
- John More ’64 on September 11 (10/15/01)
- John Ashcroft ’64 shifts on liberties(9/26/01)
- Whiffenpoofs of ’64 in Paris (9/7/01)
- One Man in a Woman’s World (Nick Danforth ’64) (5/15/01)
- Mini-Reunion in Washington D.C. (5/11/01)
- Bob Kuehn ’64 on Historic Preservation (3/12/01)
- John Ashcroft ’64 at Yale (2/4/01)
- Timothy White ’64 and the Hearst Corporation (2/3/01)
- Howard Gillette ’64 on Camden (1/19/01)
- Commentary on the Florida Election by Sheldon Leader ’64 (12/2/00)
- Tom Trowbridge ’64: Golf Made Difficult (11/22/00)
- Tom Walton ’64 with the World Bank in Indonesia (10/24/00)
- Len Baker ’64 Appointed to Yale Corporation (10/9/00)
- On the Digital Road to Canterbury (Tony Lavely ’64) (10/9/00)
- A Fight Over an Insurance Office (Tyler Smith ’64) (7/31/00)
- The Good in Nature and Humanity (6/15/00)
- Letter to YAM by Wole Odundun ’64 (4/10/00)
- Gift of the Wind (Sam Low ’64) (4/8/00)
- A Letter from Frank Hotchkiss ’64 (4/4/00)
- The Chemistry of Success, co-authored by Jim Richards ’64 (12/16/99)
- Branford vs. East Haven, 1958 (Cirie, Holcombe, Niglio, ’64) (11/25/99)