Class News
Michael Nagel '64 reports on Yale Christmas dinner in London
Michael writes to '64 Class Secretary Tony Lavely:
Tony, this is just a snippet for your next report from the Yale Club of London’s annual Christmas dinner:
It was held this year for the first time ever in a boat on the Thames near Big Ben, attended by some 120 alumni of all stripes and partially financed by a raffle with donations by members (mine was an 1890 lithograph of the Yale Campus). James Thornton ’76, Founder CEO of Client Earth as speaker, was the highlight of the evening. His 11-year-old law firm has successfully tackled industrial polluters globally through very ingenious legal means with offices in London, Brussels, Berlin, Warsaw, and Beijing, where he has now even become an adviser to the Chinese Government.
Seasons Greetings and a Healthy and Happy 2020!