Class Events
Mini-Reunion in New York 2007

Ed Massey, the organizer
(47 years ago)
Class of 1964 Class Dinner
New York City
Oct. 19, 2007
Ed Massey is organizing a class dinner in New York City for Friday, October 19. The centerpiece of the gathering will be a dinner on Friday at the Yale Club of NYC. Our classmate, Paul Steiger, Managing Editor of the Wall Street Journal, will be the featured speaker and will be joined by other classmates on a distinguished discussion panel. An ancillary activity that afternoon is a docent-led tour of the Rubin Museum of Art. Spouses, guests, and associates are cordially invited.
Ed Massey's letter with details and a sign-up sheet is reproduced below.
See photos from previous mini-reunions:
Chicago 2006
London 2003
Santa Fe 2002
Washington DC 2001
Ed Massey's letter of September 2007

Paul Steiger, the speaker
(47 years ago)
Our Fall Dinner in New York City on Friday, October 19,
2007, features a significant speaker, a challenging panel, romantic
dancing, and an afternoon at a rare museum for those who are in town and
want to start early.
Are the headlines enough to convince you to come? Good, go straight to
the sign up sheet
that comes also with this letter. For those who would like a little more
flavor and color, read on.
Starting with the Class Council's idea for a class dinner, mini-reunion,
the energetic lot that is YC64 soon inundated me with 864 mixed signals
(being the number of identifiable surviving classmates) about activities
Thursday evening through Saturday. Pricing problems and travel schedules
led to the suggestion that self-planning would be the preferred approach
beyond what we cover in this letter. To assist that process, I suggest At that site,
the Calendar of Events links to a pretty good searchable calendar. As a
matter of interest, 75 items are listed for the dates October 18 through
October 21, 2007. There is a Broadway link, but for the grand cultural
institutions, you will have to go to their websites directly.
Our day starts at 2:00 pm on Friday. Peter Hutchings has arranged a
docent-led tour of the Rubin Museum of Art, focused on Himalayan art (
As it turns out, the Rubins' daughter is at Yale right now. Please note
on the attached reservation form whether or not you will be going to the
The evening begins at 5:30 pm, Friday, with time to arrive and get back
together over a full bar and plenty of hors d'oeuvres.
At 6:30 or thereabouts, our classmate, Paul Steiger, editor at large,
Wall Street Journal, will share with us his thoughts on his sixteen
years as the paper's managing editor and on what will happen after the
Journal is taken over this fall by Rupert Murdoch. We are hoping
to hear both sage reflections and wild forward-looking statements.
Lest he think this too light a chore, Paul has also agreed to share a
panel with two other classmates, John Stacks, former chief of
correspondents and deputy managing editor of Time, retired and
writing books, most recently about James Reston; and Lee Sigal, former
member of the New York Times editorial board, now doing a lot
with North Korea, in a discussion about the changing face of journalism
and its contribution to our society and values.
The panel, starting sometime post-seven-ish, will provide us with a
rousing good time, featuring barbed questions from the floor and strong
views from the members right up to the moment the Yale Club starts
serving the soup. Dinner will go on for as long as you want to eat,
drink and talk.
At 9:30 pm we will roll up the rug and dance to an incredible duo
secured for us by Jon Leader. Good show, great dancing, and very
On Saturday morning, brunch is from 10 am until noon, for those who want
to sign up on the attached sheet. I don't have to give a fixed number to
the Yale Club until after we get the responses from this letter.
Our save-the-date e-mail brought responses from 35 classmates (promising
to bring 18 spouses and 3 children.) This letter will go out with the
hope that they will all sign up and that the ultimate number will be
twice that. We still have rooms available if you reserve by September
12th Please contact the Yale Club of New York at 212-661-2070 and
mention the Class of 1964. If you are interested, we can reserve tables
for up to eight. Let me know at, and I will coordinate it.
We look forward to seeing you on October 19.
Sincerely yours,
W. Edward Massey
For the Class Council