Class News
Stan Thomas ’64’s son Chip in U Michigan Lacrosse Hall of Fame

Stan with Beth and Chip
April 13, 2022
Our departed classmate Stan Thomas (1942-1995) never encouraged his son to play football, but he did hope that Chip would become a good athlete. Stan died in 1996 before he could see Chip develop into a terrific lacrosse player. Chip was a standout midfielder on the University of Michigan lacrosse team, 2001-2003. He was MVP in 2002-03 and captain, MVP, and first-team All-American in 2003.

Last weekend, the University of Michigan named Stanley Buddington Thomas III into its Lacrosse Hall of Fame.

Here he is with his 2001-03 coach John Paul (middle) and the current Michigan coach Dave DiCamillo (right).
Fortunately, Tony Lavely ’64 was able see Chip play and coach his NJ high-school team in Orlando in 2005 and officiate at his wedding in 2021.
Chip’s new bride, Shannon, joined Chip in Ann Arbor for the award ceremony.