Class News
Bo Huhn '64 "Developmental Lessons for Grandchildren"
Here is a 7-minute talk by Bo Huhn presented at our 50th reunion on May 31, 2014. It was one of 15 presentations during a session entitled "A Kaleidoscope of Passions" (see all the talks).
Watch other "Kaleidoscope" presentations:
- Brooks, David, "Falling in Love with God"
- Francis, Sam, "A Universe From Nothing"
- Getman, Chris, "Living with a Celebrity"
- Gould, William, "Peace in Our Time"
- Huhn, Bo, "Developmental Lessons for Grandchildren"
- Leka, Don, "Performing Anywhere, Anytime"
- Morse, William, "Why Music? Why Irish Music?"
- Regozin, Roy, "A Peace of My Mind"
- Whitby, Robert, "Six and a Half Summits"
- Wickstrom, Per, "Why I Paint"