Class News
Chas Freeman ’64 featured on ’64 Class Zoom event on China
April 28, 2022

Chas Freeman ’64

Susan Thornton

Ward Wickwire ’64

Mac Deford ’64
In another quarterly ’64 Class Zoom event, Chas Freeman ’64, Ward Wickwire ’64, and Mac Deford ’64 were joined by Susan Thornton from Yale Law School and the Tsai China Center to explore China-U.S. relations: “China: Collaboration or Confrontation?”

The event was attended by over 75 ’64 classmates, spouses, family members, and friends. Jennifer Julier hosted the event from YAA. Chas Freeman encapsulated his challenging remarks when he said bluntly: “I wish we [the US] would stop whining and start getting our act together.”
Here is the video of the event.
The next ’64 Class Zoom event will be a Book Club on July 14 featuring Syd Lea ’64 and his book of collected poems titled Here. You can register here.