Class Notes
February 1999
by Dennis Lynch
Occasionally, a class secretary gets lucky. A diligent scribe sends a letter relating the activities and events of fellow classmates. In this regard, reporting from the University of Tulsa, George Odell has "made my day" this month. I am including George's updates verbatim. George writes, "I have some information on a few of our classmates for the class notes or other nefarious purposes …
"Phil Anderson: Used to be at Texas Instruments. Worked on Space Program with Teledyne but found after awhile that his interests and theirs were incompatible, so he obtained his Texas High School Teaching Certificate. He's now teaching physics, chemistry, and geology at the Episcopal School of Dallas and finds it extremely satisfying. His wife Kay works for the Piano School System. He hopes to go to the reunion.
"John Hanold: Still working for Honeywell. He recently went on a trip to China, specifically down the Yangtze, where the huge dam project is becoming a reality. He is very concerned with the ecological and cultural displacement that this will cause. He is also seriously considering going to the reunion.
"Toby Hubbard: Still teaching at Walpole High, and will probably become department head soon. His son, an excellent football player, is now at Bates. Planning to go to reunion.
"Dieter Brand: A judge in Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada. He went back to Germany recently, found it difficult to get back into the swing of the country after having lived in Canada for so long. He will probably not be going to the reunion, as he is considering returning to Germany.
"Jim Burdick: Remains a research physician at Johns Hopkins Medical Center in Baltimore. Has a 'little old (by US standards) place in St. Michaels on the Eastern Shore' whence he repairs as often as possible. Probably will not be attending reunion.
"John E. Moore Jr.: Has one of the longest tenures as president of Drury College in Springfield, Missouri. Drury is doing well, and he has no intention of moving on. His son Jody is currently living in Virginia and Missouri; his daughter Porter is obtaining a PhD in biophysics, then will probably go for an MD. John is planning to attend the reunion.
"John Hunsaker: Got an e-mail message from him that he is planning to attend the 35th.
"Bob Czeisler (Carter): A lawyer in Seattle, we had a great time together last spring when my wife and I went to a Society for American Archaeology meeting. He is remarried, has two kids. He's also seriously considering going to the reunion."
Tony Lee attended the semi-annual AYA Assembly last fall. The major theme of the event was "Internationalization at Yale." As Tony notes, "The undergraduate student body presently consists of 8 percent foreign-born students. By comparison, the Graduate School has 30 percent." David Gergen was the prominent guest speaker, who addressed the need to train leaders for decision-making in a global environment. Tony also observed that "the campus never looked better. I hope everyone will return for our 35th Reunion next June and take a tour of the campus." I do, too!
Reporting from Jerusalem, Mart Gerstel announces the birth of his son Gil. He is enormously grateful and proud of the new arrival, "but [is] getting a lot less sleep."
Necrology: Alois von Isakovics passed away one year ago (February 10, 1998). According to his beloved wife Nina, he died of cancer and "left a bequest to Yale University because he so much enjoyed his experience there and wanted to 'pay back' some of what he was given through his scholarship when he attended." Our heartfelt condolences go out to Nina von Isakovics. Click here to read a remembrance of Alois.

Fred Richards
(1964 graduation)
Frederick C. Richards died January 29, 1997, after a year-long struggle with colon cancer. His wife Carolyn writes, "He fought the battle with all he had and worked up until two weeks prior to his death." At the time of his death Fred was the executive director of the Fare West Agency in Westlake, Ohio. He was very well respected in the Cleveland area for his many years of work in the mental health field. Fred is survived by his wife, four children, and nine grandchildren.
Richard Campbell wishes to recognize his wife Polly's death 30 years ago (December 31, 1968). He has "remained voluntarily single" since her passing.
P.S. Through the wonderfully capable assistance of Jon Larson, our class has a permanent production site on the Yale AYA server. Our official Class of '64 web address is: Starting with this edition of the Yale Alumni Magazine, the address will be listed under our class heading. As Jon notes, "This web site should really assist the planning and productivity of the reunion, as well as contribute significantly to maximum participation." Thank you, Jon.