Class Notes
March 1999
by Dennis Lynch
International News: Rodrigo Martinez is "still practicing internal medicine in San Pedro Sula, Honduras." His four children, Elena (Yale '93, Harvard MD '97), Roberto (Tufts '95), Eduardo (Amherst '95), and David (Bowdoin '99) have obviously been well educated, which pleases Rodrigo a great deal. His response to his children's academic achievements: relief; "the end of tuitions."
Across the pond, Michael von Braun Nagel lives in London and is a managing director of corporate finance at Price Waterhouse Coopers. He was married, appropriately, on July 4, to Adriana Oprea, poet and professor of philosophy/literature at Sorbonne and Cambridge.
Reporting from Glasgow, Scotland, George McQuilkin made several trips to the States this past summer, to attend his daughter Hilary's graduation from Bowdoin and his son Geoffrey's marriage in California. Back in Scotland, his younger son, 9-year-old Jamie, is learning kayaking in the North Sea and George confides, "I'm thinking about giving it a go myself." Tom Walton has just extended his assignment with the World Bank in Indonesia for another year, until September 1999.
Domestic News: Back at home in the ol' USA, Jethro Lieberman began teaching last spring "the basic undergraduate constitutional law course at Columbia as an adjunct professor of political science, and discovered the professor teaching in the classroom next to mine was Lee Sigal." Further south, in Baltimore, Bob Bulkeley has started "a private-practice teaching career which is going well, but my loss of salary at the start necessitates a oneĀtime belt tightening. Will be at reunion, one week prior to marriage of my 'middle' daughter."
Out west, in Denver, Tim Damour is still coordinator for the Colorado Yale Association Community Service Summer Fellowship program. He notes, "It is a great program and I still hope the class council will consider endowing a fellowship." From Los Angeles, Dave Anderson had a great trip back east "to watch my son Charlie play his last soccer game at Vassar and visit my son Patrick ('01) at a Yale band practice."

Ron Kizala
(1964 graduation)
Completing our geographical circuit, we can find Doane Perry residing in Richmond, Massachusetts, where he is the innkeeper and proprietor at a bed and breakfast in the Berkshires. lf you have an interest in the "serene valley views"and "warm elegance" of the Berkshires, contact Doane at 800/795-7122 or fax him at 413/698-3158.
Necrology: Ron Kizala's daughter Christie reports the death of her dad on July 15, 1998. In an emotionally moving ceremony four days prior to his death, Ron married Cathi Tighe Kizala.