Class Notes
November/December 2004
by Tony Lavely
Apparently, we are all still digesting the news from our 40th reunion in New
Haven, for very few new items have come to my attention … and the summer has
been fairly quiet. Rather than "manufacture" some notes, I will devote most
of this column to an email (forwarded to me by Frank Basler) from Madeleine
Meek, the recipient of the Class of '64 Summer Fellowship for Juniors from
the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies. Madelein sent her
emails from Madagascar and their full text can be found elsewhere on this site.
"So, why am I here in Madagascar? For my senior essay I am comparing
Ranomafana National Park and Andohahela National Park, parks which both
began as integrated conservation-development projects in the past decade. I
am specifically studying the success/failure of one aspect of the
development side: healthcare initiatives. This became my passion because I
was disappointed with the failures on the part of Ranomafana National Park
to keep their promises in this realm, though all the while reports and
articles praising the park imply that these initiatives are happening! My
research is thus to determine whether or not healthcare promises are being
kept in the periphery of Andohahela. … The conservation-development dilemma
is essentially how to reconcile conservation of natural resources with
improvement of livelihoods in terms of health and economic factors. Then,
there is that crazy expression 'sustainable development.' Conservation,
however, is a tricky topic in Madagascar, as it is one of the poorest
countries in the world and 80% of its people are agriculturalists. Making
this even more of a dilemma is the concern that began in the late 1970s and
early 1980s with biological diversity. In Madagascar this is an essential
part of the debate, as approximately 80% of flora and fauna species are
endemic. … The best-planned and well-intentioned projects always change the
minute you step foot in a 'developing' country. Circumstance is a creative
force, while challenging and at times frustrating. … I am continually amazed
and comforted by the amount of people one can touch along the way. Even if
those moments are forgotten a couple days later, the simple chitchat or
sharing of smiles can mean so much. What you leave with them, what you take
of them, so many nights I go to bed with a smile on my face because of all
the people I have encountered throughout the day, all showing me a different
facet of life. I am very much content here in a new land, though I miss
friends and family immensely and wish that they could share in this
incredibly enlightening and plain-old fun experience. … Tsara, ny fiainana!
('Life is beautiful'), much love, Madeleine"
I think we can be very proud of what we do as a Class to support these
fellowships. Have a nice holiday season, and please write, email, or call
with news for the next issue.