Class Notes
May/June 2005
by Tony Lavely
Our class council meet in New Haven on Saturday, January 29th, chaired by Terry Holcombe. Gus Speth graciously hosted the meeting at the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, and as the school dean he gave an informative report on developments at the school. There were two interesting audio/visual presentations made by current recipients of the summer fellowships sponsored by our class. Madeleine Meek gave a report on healthcare initiatives in Madagascar. Somabha (Sobhi) Mohanty gave a report about her work at the Jersey Zoo, at Jersey in the Cannel Islands of the United Kingdom. Frank Basler continues to provide strong leadership of this fellowship program and the council renewed and expanded our support for it. Following the meeting, members of the class council were joined by other classmates at the Harvard-Yale hockey game.

sadness, the council acknowledged the death of Handsome Dan XV (aka
"Louis"), an honorary member of the Class of 1964 who was lovingly cared for
by Chris Getman.
Waldo Johnston agreed to chair the committee for our 45th class reunion in
2009. Please contact Waldo if you would like to become involved in the
planning. Chip Brennan, in addition to his excellent work as class
treasurer, has agreed to explore interest among classmates in having a
mini-reunion in 2006 in Chicago, Boston, San Francisco, or Hong Kong.
Butch Hetherington attended the AYA Assembly on "Yale and New Haven" last
November. He wrote: "I was amazed at how nice New Haven is compared to when
we were in college. It looks like a lively urban place to live!" Butch has
also agreed to organize a class golf outing this summer. Watch the class website for detailed information.
Tony Lee called my attention to an article by Lee Sigal in The Boston Globe
on February 12th about North Korea's tactics in developing nuclear weapons.
The article is posted on our class website. Nortin Hadler has written a
provocative new book, The Last Well Person: How to Stay Well Despite the
Health-Care System, published by McGill-Queen's University Press.
William Carey emailed, "Still practicing medicine after all these years ...
and still skiing." Will serves on the admissions committee at Case Western
Reserve University Medical School. Terry Holcombe saw Peter Giblin in Egypt
at the annual meeting of the American University in Cairo, where Peter is a
The class council expressed appreciation to Sam Francis for his excellent
management of the class website. The council joins me in encouraging all
classmates to register an email address on the Yale Directory or on our
class website (notify Sam of changes). This will enable faster and more efficient communication of
class news and activities and preserve our limited class funds for other
important purposes.