Photo Gallery
80th Birthdays
The photos on this page were submitted by classmates celebrating their 80th birthdays, some taken before or after the milestone event. To see all the photos in a video slideshow, click here.

Dick Berk

Bill Bowe

Pat Caviness

Jim Currie

Nick Danforth and Robin Jones

Morris and Carolyn Dean with daughter Jennifer and son Geoffrey

Dick duPont

John Evans

Jerry and Dorie Flannelly

Eric Fossell

Sam Francis

Jeff Frant

Stephen Greenblatt and his wife Ramie Targoff

Gary Griffis

Bob Hannah

Bob Hilgendorf

Neil Hoffmann

John Hunsaker

Waldo Johnston

Ted Jones

Blaine Krickl, Hugo, and Jane

Van Lanckton

Tony Lavely

Larry and Sally Lawrence

Tony Lee

Don Leka and Jane Gilman

Joe Lieberman

Dave Lindsay

Edward and Anne Massey

Neil and Laura Mitchell

John More

Bob and Anne Myers and grandchildren

Jamie Park

Ron Parlato

Merrill Pasco

Charlie Payne

Dan and Nancy Pollack

Mike Price

Pete Putzel

Bob and Amy Rands

Al Rossiter

Gerry Shea

Ron Sipherd

Gus Speth

Russell Sunshine and friend

Harvey and Rona Tananbaum

Don Van Doren

Ward Wickwire

Joe and Carol Wishcamper

John and Reese Witherspoon

Bill Woodfin

David Wyles

Karl Ziegler and Jane Fuller