In Memoriam
Frederic A. Bakunin

Fred Bakunin
Remembrance by
Rebecca Bakunin, his wife, and
Lee V. Bakunin, his brother
June, 2011
Fredric A. Bakunin died of a rare blood disease on August 28, 1994 at
the age of 52, too young for this vibrant man who loved life. Two of
Fred's best qualities were his great integrity and his ability to truly
listen to the other person.
Fred attended Yale after Williston Academy. He was a member of Silliman
College. While at Yale, he was in the Russian Chorus and the Yale Guild
of Carillonists. In 1963, Fred took a leave of absence to join the Peace
Corps and after he returned he graduated in 1967. He switched majors
from Russian Studies to Anthropology upon his return, and went on an
archeological dig in Mexico in his last semester with Professor Michael
After Yale, Fred made a career in the financial world as an analyst. He
worked for boutique investment houses, most of which have disappeared,
and for the large Equitable/Alliance Group.
At his first job after graduation, he was assigned to empty out some
filing cabinets. Upon doing so, he found $1,000,000 in bearer bonds.
There was no identification, no attached file or correspondence. Fred
said he thought about it for a few seconds before turning them into his
Fredric A. Bakunin was survived by his wife, Rebecca, his mother,
Hannah, his brother, Lee V., his sister, Mary, and nieces and nephews,
and by a large collection of music and the wonderful photographs he