In Memoriam
Joe DiMaggio, Jr.
Joe was a member of our class but dropped out of Yale after his freshman year and joined the Marine Corps as a private. He died in 1999. Below are two articles:
- Los Angeles Times article on the occasion of his death
- PBS article about his relationship with his father
Son of Yankees Baseball Legend Led Troubled Life
Los Angeles Times
August 08, 1999
Joe DiMaggio Jr., the only child of baseball great Joe DiMaggio, died late
Friday at a hospital in the Northern California town of Antioch, apparently
of natural causes, hospital officials said Saturday. He was 57.
He was the only son of DiMaggio and Dorothy Arnold, an actress whom the
sports legend married in 1939. The athlete had no children with his second
wife, Marilyn Monroe.
The younger DiMaggio was estranged from his father and had seen him
infrequently over the last few years. However, he was one of six pallbearers
at the March funeral of the "Yankee Clipper" in San Francisco.
DiMaggio Jr. was not breathing and had no heartbeat when he was taken by
ambulance to Sutter Delta Medical Center late Friday, a hospital spokesman
said. Attempts at resuscitation were unsuccessful.
The younger DiMaggio, who was living in nearby Pittsburg, had a history of
drug and alcohol abuse and got into several minor scrapes with police. He
also experienced periods of homelessness.
Joseph Paul DiMaggio Jr. was born Oct. 23, 1941, in San Francisco. After his
parents divorced three years later, he spent much of his early life in
summer camps and military schools, including the now-defunct Black Foxe
Military Institute, a few blocks west of Paramount Studios in Hollywood. It
was known as the school of choice for the sons of Hollywood celebrities.
As he entered his teen years, the youth split his time between his mother,
who was pursuing her acting career in Hollywood, and his father, who had
begun seeing Monroe. Young Joe and Monroe were reportedly close, and the boy
often accompanied the couple on dates.
He spent his high school years at a prep school in New Jersey, where he
shunned baseball to play football. He was the kicker on the team and by all
accounts a bright student. However, his father, who was living in New York,
had little time for his son and never saw his games.
Young DiMaggio enrolled at Yale University as a freshman in 1960 but quit
after the first year because he had grown to hate the Eastern winters. He
returned to Los Angeles and worked at odd jobs before deciding to join the
Marine Corps.
Despite his father's divorce from Monroe, young Joe remained close to the
actress. He phoned her about 8:30 on the night of Aug. 4, 1962, to tell her
that he had broken off his engagement to the daughter of a wealthy San Diego
contractor. The next day, DiMaggio Jr. learned that Monroe had died from an
apparent overdose of drugs and alcohol.
He attended the funeral, which was closed to much of Hollywood, wearing his
dress Marine uniform.
After Monroe's death, he finished his enlistment in the Marines and married
a 17-year-old girl from San Diego, but the union lasted just a year.
Returning to civilian life, DiMaggio Jr. took a series of odd jobs and
eventually moved to the East Coast, where he worked for his uncle Dom
DiMaggio, the onetime great outfielder for the Boston Red Sox, who owned a
polyurethane foam company near Boston.
That is where the younger Joe met and wed Sue Adams, who had two daughters
from a previous marriage. He eventually moved back to California to run a
polyurethane foam business for his father and two business partners.
Joe DiMaggio Sr. grew attached to his son's stepdaughters and doted over
them as a grandfather.
Working for his father proved problematic for the younger DiMaggio, who felt
that no matter how hard he worked he could never do anything right in his
father's eyes. That led to bouts of drinking and fights with his wife that
often left her battered and bloody. Drugs came next, particularly speed. The
business was lost and the couple divorced in 1974.
Two years later, DiMaggio Jr. was seriously injured in an automobile
accident, and a piece of his brain had to be removed because of a blood
clot. That surgery seemed to make him even quicker to anger and to have less
control of his actions.
His father tried to help him recover, buying him a $75,000 Peterbilt truck
cab, but he wrecked the truck and by the late 1980s was working odd jobs and
living in a trailer near Martinez, Calif., his father's hometown.
In his only known on-the-record interview in recent years, DiMaggio Jr.
spoke with the tabloid television magazine show "Inside Edition." In the
interview, broadcast Feb. 11, he explained why he had not gone to the side
of his ailing father when he was fighting cancer in Florida.
"You know, I never got the words 'Come now,' or I would've been there in a
flash," he said. "I love him and just all of the things that are felt, but
never said, between people. When he wants me there, I'll be there."
Although DiMaggio Jr. did not subsequently see his father before he died,
his two stepchildren were at the baseball great's bedside, along with Dom
DiMaggio and two other friends.
DiMaggio Sr. left his only child a $20,000 annual trust fund in his will,
signed in 1996, the year the two reportedly last saw each other. He also
bequeathed his son 45% from the sale of his firm, Yankee Clipper
He left the two girls he considered his grandchildren considerably more.
Another Joseph DiMaggio, the son of the baseball legend's late brother Mike,
was left $100,000. That Joe DiMaggio made something of a name for himself as
a chef, with restaurants in Florida and Toronto.
On Saturday, Marie Amato Goodman, a cousin whose son was a close friend of
Joe DiMaggio Jr., said he was simply unable to cope with his father's fame.
"He had a brilliant mind," Goodman said. "He lived in the shadow of his
father and could not rise above that.
PBS Article: Joe Dimaggio Jr.

When Joe DiMaggio died, a 57-year old man with a gray pony-tail was one of the select few allowed to attend the family funeral. He was a casket-bearer that day, his face anonymous to the national audience. The man was not close to DiMaggio, had not even spoken with the aging legend in years. DiMaggio wouldn't even talk about him.
His name was Joe DiMaggio Jr.
Joe Jr., DiMaggio's namesake and only child, was born on October 23, 1941, to DiMaggio's first wife, Dorothy Arnold. DiMaggio, usually stoic, seemed to speak with joy at the arrival of his son. "You ought to see the little fellow, he has the most perfect nose," DiMaggio explained. "And I never saw such a pair of hands on a baby."
After Joe Jr. was born, DiMaggio continued to spend many nights at his New York City hang-out, Toots Shor's. He lived a celebrity's life while his wife Dorothy wanted a husband for herself and a father for her son.
The result was conflict. In her divorce papers, Arnold said that she had hoped their son's birth would have made her husband "realize his responsibilities as a married man" but concluded that "even the baby's arrival did not change him."
Later, when DiMaggio was pictured with Marilyn Monroe in a newspaper in 1951, Arnold wanted full custody of Joe Jr. "He's a little young for the smart set," Arnold said. The former husband and wife feuded for two years and ended up sharing custody.
Joe Jr. lived with his father and Monroe after the two were married. She ended up being connected to her stepson for the rest of her life. Joe Jr. spoke with the starlet the night she died.
DiMaggio didn't seem very interested in parenthood. Close by in New York in the 1950s, DiMaggio never attended one of his boy's football games while Joe Jr. was at New Jersey's prestigious Lawrenceville School. Joe Jr.'s ex-wife Sue said of his parents: "When he was a little boy living with his mother in New York in the Waldorf, his only entertainment was riding up and down in the elevator. Then it was camps and military school and boarding school. They threw the man away."
As an adult, Joe Jr. held jobs, and some with responsibility, but he never kept them for long. He drifted away from his former wife, his two step-children by the marriage (he and his wife had no children together), and his grandchildren, and had less and less contact with them over time. Interestingly, Joe Sr. developed a close and continuing relationship with his son's ex-wife, and even called her children "my grandchildren."
As the years passed, Joe Jr. seemed to live more and more marginally. Sometimes Joe DiMaggio senior would cruise the streets of Martinez, California looking for his son, as Joe Jr.'s address changed often. Sometimes the junior DiMaggio would take cash from his father; other times he would ignore him. When his father was gravely ill, Joe Jr. was asked why he didn't visit. "You know, I never got the words, ‘Come now,' or I would've been there in a flash. When he wants me there, I'll be there."
When his father died, Joe Jr. was living in a trailer and working in a junkyard. "What is Joe DiMaggio's son supposed to do?" he said. "[I'm] free. . . just a free spirit. No commitments. The first of the month rolls around, and I have no payments to make." He had once put it another way: "My lifestyle is diametrically opposed to my father's."
Joe Jr. never received that final phone call from his father; there was no deathbed visit. Despite their estrangement, Joe Sr. left his son a $20,000-a-year trust fund. Joe Jr. barely had enough time to spend it, as he died on August 7, 1999, five months after his father's death.