In Memoriam
Daniel H. Gross

Daniel Gross
1964 graduation
Obituary published on
May 21, 1942 - Nov. 22, 2014
Daniel Howard Gross, 72, of Anchorage, Alaska, died November 22, 2014 at home due to natural causes.
He was born May 21, 1942, in Glen Cove, Long Island, New York, to John Daniel Gross of Lock Haven, Pennsylvania and Martha Holcomb Gross of Birmingham, Alabama. Daniel is the Nephew of Rebecca and Lydia Gross of Lock Haven, Pennsylvania.
After graduating from Yale and Vanderbilt Universities and working for the Associated Press, he came to Alaska in 1968 and worked as a realtor and then as a reporter for both Anchorage newspapers, and later with various other job opportunities. Afterwards he wrote stories of these experiences for the Alaska Magazine.

Daniel Gross
(recent photo)
He has resided with his wife in both Anchorage and the Mat-Su Valley, where he built a second home, a summer cabin in the style of the Pioneer Alaskans.
His hobbies were living, hiking, and camping in Alaska, traveling, football, digging for fossils and other artifacts, swimming, singing, rafting, fishing, cooking, and reading.
He is survived by his first love and wife of 37 years, Lois Ann Walter Gross, sister Nancy Capicik, brothers Warren and Howard Holley, and many nephews and nieces. He is preceded in death by his sister Jane Holley Neal, father John Daniel Gross, mother Martha Holcomb Gross Holley, and step-father Dr. Howard L. Holley.
Services celebrating Daniel's life will take place in Anchorage at Janssen's Evergreen Memorial Chapel, 737 E Street, November 26, 2014 at 2pm, then later in Alabama and Pennsylvania. A celebration of life will be held at the Sea Galley Restaurant from 3:30pm to 5:30pm in Anchorage following the service.