In Memoriam
Peter Gubser

Peter Gubser
1964 graduation
Peter Gubser died of cancer on September 2, 2010.
Below are the following remembrances:
- Obituary
- Remembrance by his daughter, Christi Gubser
- Remembrance from
- Remembrance from (United Nations Relief and Works Agency)
- Remembrance from ANERA (American Near East Refugee Aid)
- Letter from the President and CEO of the National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations
- News story from ANERA website, November, 2015
Obituary, Washington Post
Scholar's main focus was on the Middle East
Peter Gubser, a scholar and author who spent 30 years as president of a
group promoting development and humanitarian assistance in the Middle East,
died Sept. 2 of prostate cancer at Suburban Hospital in Bethesda. He was 69.
From 1977 to 2007, Dr. Gubser was president of American Near East Refugee
Aid, a Washington nonprofit agency that offers economic, educational and
nutritional aid to Palestinian and Arab refugees in the West Bank, Gaza
Strip, Jordan and other parts of the Middle East.
Among other efforts, Dr. Gubser led a 2003 initiative to establish a program
providing milk to thousands of preschool children in the Gaza Strip. His
relief agency also funded the construction of educational centers at West
Bank colleges to offer training in business management.
In 1983, Dr. Gubser helped found the National Council on U.S.-Arab
Relations, which seeks to foster greater understanding of the Arab world.
He wrote several books and articles on social and economic conditions in the
Middle East. In April, he published a major biography of Saladin, a
12th-century Islamic leader who fought against Christian crusaders from
Peter Anton Gubser was born May 9,1941, in Tulsa and became interested in
the Middle East while taking a year off from college to travel.
After graduating from Yale University in 1964, he studied at American
University of Beirut, receiving a master's degree in Middle Eastern studies
and Arabic language in 1966. He received a doctorate in social anthropology
from England's University of Oxford in 1969.
Early in his career, Dr. Gubser was an adjunct professor at the University
of Manchester in England and worked for the Ford Foundation in Lebanon and
Jordan. After moving to Washington in the 1970s, he worked for the American
Institute for Research before going to American Near East Refugee Aid.
He was an adjunct professor at Georgetown University's School of Foreign
Service from 1995 to 2003. He was a board member of the Foundation for
Middle East Peace, Builders for Peace, and other groups supporting
humanitarian efforts in the Middle East.
Locally, Dr. Gubser had been a member of the Town Council of Somerset, a
small Montgomery County community, and he served on the Western Montgomery
County Citizens Advisory Board.
Survivors include his wife of 41 years, Annie Yenikomshian Gubser of
Somerset; two daughters, Sasha Gubser of Denver and Christi Gubser of
Boulder, Calif.; his mother, Mary Gubser of Tulsa; two brothers; and two
Remembrance of Peter Gubser at his Memorial Service
by Christi Gubser, his daughter
September 14, 2010, Cosmos Club, Washington, DC
Greetings, greetings! That is how my father, with his beautiful head of
white hair and the moustache that I never saw him without in all my 33
years, would have greeted you all today. It is a heartbreak to us that he is
gone. It is hard to believe. All that we can hope is that he is at peace
It is amazing to see all of you here this afternoon — people from all walks
of life who have been touched by my father. He was a man who lived life to
its maximum, and showed us that the most important thing one could do, would
be to do the same.
Many of you knew him as a humanitarian who thought of and carried out
tremendous projects in the Middle East, trying to create a life of hope for
those who had little. Many of you knew him as a scholar, a writer, a
professor and an expert on all that was politics in the Middle East. Many of
you knew him as a community activist, first in our small town of Somerset as
a member of the town council and then as a member of the Montgomery County
Citizens Advisory Board, always looking to ameliorate what was around him.
Many of you knew him as a leader, a participant, a friend. I knew him as a
father. I speak for my sister Sasha, my mother, and myself in saying that he
was the best.
I want you to know a little bit about Peter Gubser as a father. As a young
girl, I remember him at the grill, relishing the cooking of a perfect steak.
He was a very present father. When we were younger, we played endless games
of three-person whiffleball in the backyard. As we grew older, we played
badminton in the summers, and Scrabble and cribbage in the winters. We would
score the badminton games in Arabic, which is where I learned the meaning of
"cipher". Unfortunately for him, as time went on, his score was often
"cipher" as our scores climbed into the higher digits. He was always so
happy to teach us new games, as well as learn them from us, and we continued
to connect this way well into our college years. Coming home for a holiday
always meant spending the evening playing cards and games with him in front
of the fire in the living room. I will truly miss that.
He watched the news, the Simpsons, and the Redskins. We spent countless
Sundays in our high-school years waking up to booming classical music — his
favorite to wake us with was Holst — the Planets or Carmina Burana — and we
would roll out of bed and watch the Redskins. We would turn off the
television sound and turn on Sonny, Sam, and Frank on WMAL to get the local
broadcasters' perspective on the game. We would cheer on our team, hope for
a win, but mostly revel in each others company. It was during Redskins
halftimes that our Dad taught us to throw a spiral with a football, and
throw and catch a softball. These, to me, are memories I will hold forever.
I feel lucky to have spent that time with my Dad. We were thrilled that the
Redskins beat the Cowboys last Sunday night for the season opener. We know
he would have been happy.
We spent countless weekends exploring the Washington DC area. One of our
favorite spots was the Billy Goat trail on the Potomac. We must have done
that trail hundreds of times with our old dog Argo. I have distinct memories
of walking the trail when I was still young enough to be carried, all the
way through my college years. Walking that trail with my Dad almost became a
meditation in my young life, and fostered in me a deep love for the
outdoors, which ultimately brought me out to Colorado which I have made my
new home. Those years on the Billy Goat trail ignited my passion for
exploration and adventure in the wilderness, a gift I will keep with me
For all you Somerset residents who are here today, we will all remember
Peter as the starter for the Somerset swim team. Sasha and I swam for our
local team for 10 summers, and our Dad was highly involved. He started out
as a timer for our Saturday morning meets. Of course, he needed a new
challenge in that arena too, so he attended a clinic to become the official
starter for the swim team. Everyone always giggled at his pronunciation of:
"50 meter butterfly." He was the most well spoken of all the starters of the
Montgomery County Swim League. Our Dad, the orator.
I could go on about fond memories with my Dad — I have so many. He loved
being a father, and always told us that. Family dinners together every night
were the highlight of our evenings, with conversation that grew more and
more meaningful as we grew older. To us, family always felt like his
priority. In fact, it seems that we all go through much of our young lives
thinking that our parents are simply our parents, and anything else they do
is quite irrelevant. I knew my Dad went to work — each morning at 7:15
either my sister or I would run down the stairs to kiss him goodbye as he
was leaving for the Metro, and he would return promptly at 6 PM announcing
his arrival with "Hello, girls!" What he did in between those hours was a
mystery of little importance to me for a long time. I used to like to visit
him at the office for the chance to take the Metro downtown and announce
myself as the boss's daughter. To get to walk back to his office and see the
little model boat I had built for him sitting on his desk. But I remember
the day that I began to realize that he was up to something big. He brought
home an Arabic newspaper one day in my high-school years that had his
picture in it with a long article in Arabic following. It was a time in life
when I was starting to think of the world outside of myself, and what I
might want to do about it. When I asked him what the article was about, he
told me it was praising some project that ANERA had done in the West Bank.
It was then that I started to see my father as more than just a Dad. I had
insight into how many of you who are here today see him — as a humanitarian
leader. As time went on, and I started learning more about Middle East
history, I felt compelled to share his story. I remember at University
telling people with great pride about what my father did for a living, and
realizing that it was indeed unique for one's father to do grass-roots
projects in the West Bank and Gaza. When friends did not understand the
Palestinian/Israeli conflict, I took it upon myself to explain the entire
history as my Dad had done in my own high-school history class at WIS. I
began to live a bit more under his influence, and it became a source of
While I was still in high school, my sister and I were fortunate enough to
be able to travel with our parents to many exotic locales around the globe.
After we left for college my Dad and my mother Annie pursued their shared
love of travel with even more gusto. Our friends could not believe it when
we told them our 60-some-year-old parents were traipsing around the Peruvian
rainforest or that the new beautiful rug in our house had been bargained
for, bought and hand carried by my mother back from Turkmenistan. My mom and
Dad have been a model for a caring and supportive relationship. They loved
each other deeply and truly enjoyed each other's company. They taught us not
to wait for opportunities to come to us, but to create them for ourselves.
Though neither my sister nor I ended up doing work in the Middle East, we
have both very much followed in my Dad's, indeed both our parents footsteps.
They taught us that you can love your work, and make a difference. They
taught us that you learn by doing, and by going and by participating. Sasha,
my sister, is currently a doctor in an underserved area of Denver, and has
volunteered her skills extensively in Central and South America. I have
taught as a volunteer in Kenya, for Latino immigrants in Boulder, in an
inner-city public school in Oakland, and now teach and coordinate the
volunteer program at a high school in Boulder, Colorado. Our father made us
feel that these services to others were not only an option, but a way of
life. Living a life of service is the way that my father lived and it is the
legacy that he leaves behind. In death, the outpouring of love that we have
received from all over the world for him, has been monumental. We knew that
he had touched lives, but so many! And so deeply! I am so proud to be his
He also taught us to take risks. How many young men from Oklahoma set off to
travel the world and become interested in one of the most war torn and
conflicted areas on the globe? My Dad was an extremely organized risk taker.
He was not afraid to try something new, and to step out of the ordinary to
attempt something extraordinary.
There is a quote by the poet Audre Lorde that states "When I use my strength
in the service of my vision, it makes no difference whether or not I am
afraid." My father was the embodiment of this idea. He did not let fear
stand in his way of what he was passionate about — he knew that the
Palestinians needed their basic needs met and they needed a chance to hope.
This was more important to him than any fear he may have had around the
turmoil of the area, what may happen to him if he put his dreams into
action. His strength, his willingness to take risks, resulted not only in
what would become a fruitful and successful career, but also in the
opportunity to meet his beautiful Armenian wife, our wonderful mother Annie
YeniKomshian, in Beirut where he began the studies that led him down this
path! This purposeful risk taking is what is behind so many extraordinary
My sister and I spent time talking about this just a few nights ago while
cooking in her kitchen in Denver. We talked about how important it is to
both of us that this part of our father's legacy lives on in both of us, and
that we are committed to it not only for ourselves, but to pass that on to
our children as well. Our Dad was a role model in "actions speak louder than
words." His ideas became realities, his hopes and vision changed people's
lives. Growing up with that has made Sasha and me both want to do the same.
When my Dad got sick, we pulled together even more strongly as a family.
With my sister and me in Colorado and my parents in DC, it often felt
difficult to be far away. But we rallied together, and saw each other many
times in the past year. Our Dad loved becoming a Grandpa, and I am so happy
that he had the chance to get to know his grandchildren — Sky and Sophie.
This time last year he came out to Colorado en route to his 50th high-school
reunion in Tulsa, Oklahoma. We had a fantastic visit, with my Dad, his 2
daughters and 2 granddaughters exploring a creek in Rocky Mountain National
Park and spotting elk in the woods. He also shared the good news of the
official publication of his book on Saladin as we sat around eating dinner
at Sasha's house in Denver. This project was a source of pride for him, and
the first project he undertook after retiring from ANERA. Not only did he
see the book through to publication, but he was also in the process of
organizing its promotion by scheduling speeches and book signings around the
country just days before his passing. After his wonderful visit to Denver,
he went on to Tulsa where he impressed his old high-school chums with his
full head of hair and all his accomplishments, both in his professional and
personal lives. He also spent time with his mother Mary Gubser, our
phenomenal Grandma, and his brother Mike, one of his closest friends. I love
knowing that he spent his final year in the company of people who loved him
We all decided to come back to DC for Christmas last year because of the ups
and downs of his health, and the desire to celebrate that he was in good
health in the moment. Sasha, Brian, Jeff, Sky, Sophie and I came out for
what will always be a Christmas to remember. My father loved his sons-in-law
dearly. He was thrilled to have discussions with them about history and the
state of the world — conversations that could go on for hours. One evening
during our stay at Christmas — I believe it was Christmas Eve — we all sat
around the living room, talking and laughing for hours. It wasn't long
before there were more empty bottles of red wine then there were people in
the room. We were laughing, crying, appreciating each other. At one point my
father said: "This is it. This is what everyone hopes for. This is what life
is all about." I am so happy that he left the world with that experience in
his recent past.
My father knew how much he was loved. Nothing was hidden. I had the chance
on so many occasions to tell him how much he meant to me, and show him that
I had learned the life lessons he taught me. He and my mother had a strong
and loving relationship, and he knew, in life, how important he was to her.
He was, in life, acknowledged by so many for his wisdom, his leadership and
his contributions to the lives of others. I feel thankful that he knew all
these things when he was living, and that no one waited around to tell him
how much he mattered until it was too late. I feel that maybe he went so
quickly because he had no unfinished business left in the world — he felt
complete with all the people he loved and with what he had accomplished in
his life's work. Of course, I mourn that he did not get to live for 20 more
years, but I have to focus on how deep the quality of his 69 years on this
Earth were. He created and lived a full, meaningful life. Sasha and I will
always be proud to be his daughters, and my mother will feel forever blessed
to have shared more than 41 years of her life with him. He lives on in us
everyday. This afternoon, raise your glass of red wine and toast to Peter
Gubser, a truly wonderful man.
Peter Gubser: A true friend of the Palestinians
An article from
Sept. 5, 2010

Dr. Peter Gubser, humanitarian, author and devoted friend of Palestinian
communities throughout the Middle East, died Sept. 2 at the age of 69 after
battling cancer.
A determined optimist, he never stopped seeking a better future for the
Middle East even after retiring from the American Near East Refugee Aid,
ANERA, in 2007, where he served 29 years as ANERA's president.
While at ANERA, he directed long-term development projects in the West Bank,
Gaza, Lebanon, and Jordan, as well as coordinating initiatives within
national and international NGOs.
Prior to joining ANERA, Gubser, fluent in English, French and Arabic, worked
with various non-governmental agencies in Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq.
An adjunct professor at Georgetown University in the School of Foreign
Service, he published extensively on issues related to Jordan and economic
development in the Middle East.
His latest book, "Saladin, Empire and Holy War" (Gorgias Press, April, 2010)
offers a remarkable and highly readable portrait of the complex
warrior-king. He also wrote several books on Jordan, including a historical
dictionary of the Hashemite Kingdom.
Under his leadership ANERA touched the lives of millions of Palestinian
He was instrumental in the construction and establishment of IT Centers of
Excellence at four universities in the West Bank as well as the creation of ANERA's
"Milk for Preschoolers" program in Gaza, established in 2003 to distribute
fortified milk and biscuits to preschoolers. That program today reaches nearly
20,000 children across the Gaza Strip.
For this reporter, Gubser will be most remembered for his humility. In a
town of giant-sized egos, his fun spirit, big heart and kind demeanor were
refreshing and inspiring. And — a true sign of success — he was loved by his
colleagues, both here and in the Middle East.
ANERA's current president, Bill Corcoran, said Gubser was "full of life and a
bit of mischief, too. He was always able to put a smile on our faces."
Pausing, he added: "Please let it be known that as some Palestinian
Americans began to hear of his impending death, they asked us to mention
that Peter was ‘a true friend of the Palestinians.'
"His great love for education was a means of investing in the future of
Palestinians. He believed education gave them a future where politics denied
them a future," said Corcoran.
"Another key thing about Peter's personality is that many people involved in
the Middle East and Palestinians affairs eventually became burnt out. Not
Peter. He was eternally filled with hope. He was not naive or overly
idealistic, but felt one could make progress with one family at a time."
Marjorie Ransom, a Middle Eastern specialist and retired State Department
Public Diplomacy Officer, remembered that "Peter's job was particularly
difficult because he worked on aid for Palestinians, something that was not
always an easy sell.
"Peter tackled his job with enthusiasm and skill. He won the respect of
those he worked with because he always knew the specific detail of where
ANERA's money went. Beyond this he was an extraordinary individual who
touched everyone with his great humanity."
"Peter was an extraordinary human being. His was an often lonely but always
a strong and courageous voice in America for bringing justice and compassion
to the people of Palestine," said Les Janka, a resident of Riyadh, Saudi
Arabia who served as Chairman of the Board of ANERA for six years.
"ANERA's record of development is a lasting monument to Peter's many
talents. I was proud to work with him for more than 30 years."
Dr. John Duke Anthony, President and CEO of the Washington-based National
Council on US-Arab Relations, also spoke of his great sadness is losing "a
fellow laborer trying to place the relationship between the United States
and the Arab world on the firmest footing possible.
"He was not only a great teacher, scholar, and lucid writer as well as
author of several very good books on Lebanon, Jordan, and Saladin. He was
also a role model as an inspirational leader, an institution builder, and
the longtime head of one of the world's most effective philanthropic
organizations devoted to the alleviation of suffering as well as the
provision of opportunities for those in need, as well as an indefatigable
champion of the rights of Palestinians living under Israeli occupation."
Anthony also spoke fondly of Dr. Gubser's "great sense of humor and incisive
wit. His joy in laughter, even when the joke was on him, was boundless."
Ironically, Dr. Gubser died on the day that the Mideast peace talks began
again in Washington. Donations in his honor can be made at:
UNRWA Marks Death of Dr. Peter Gubser
An article from, the website of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
Sept. 3, 2010
With deep sadness UNRWA marks the passing of Dr Peter Gubser, committed
advocate for the well-being of Palestinians over many decades, and true
supporter of UNRWA's work in the region. Dr Gubser was the Chairman of the
Board of the American Friends of UNRWA from 2008 until his death. He was
also president of ANERA — American Near East Refugee Aid — for 29 years.
Peter Gubser died yesterday, 2 September 2010, after a battle with cancer.
His pioneering work on providing quality education for Palestinians and a
peaceful future for the people in the region will endure. He will be missed
by UNRWA and the refugees we serve.
ANERA Mourns Death of Former President Peter Gubser
An article from by ANERA (American Near East Refugee Aid)

is with enormous sadness that ANERA announces the passing of Peter Gubser,
humanitarian, author, educator and devoted friend of Palestinian communities
throughout the Middle East. Dr. Gubser committed 29 years of his career to
improving lives of Palestinians as president of ANERA. Peter Gubser died
September 2, after battling cancer. He was 69.
Peter Gubser never stopped seeking a better future for the Middle East even
after retiring from ANERA in 2007. He was Chairman of the Board of the
American Friends of UNRWA from 2008 until his death. Dr. Gubser also lectured
on the Middle East at Georgetown University.
"Peter was a unifying figure who energized ANERA programs and supporters for
29 years," said ANERA president Bill Corcoran. "His legacy was providing
Americans with a positive means of developing the economy of Palestine and
thereby changing lives. He has left many friends and admirers who respect
him greatly and will miss him."
During his tenure at ANERA, Dr.Gubser's persistence and enthusiasm helped
turn a $1 million organization into $35 million sustainable non-government
organization dedicated to humanitarian development among Palestinians
throughout the Middle East..
Peter Gubser was dedicated to providing quality education for Palestinians,
starting as early as preschool. Once asked why, he said, "The big picture
may be slow to change, but to the person receiving a textbook, the future is
immediately better."
Some of his hallmark achievements included a campaign against malnutrition
among Gaza's children through the "Milk for Preschoolers" program, which was
established in 2003 to distribute fortified milk and biscuits to
preschoolers. The program today reaches nearly 20,000 children across the
Gaza Strip.
Another success story reflected his passion for education. Under his
leadership ANERA funded the construction and establishment of IT Centers of
Excellence at four universities in the West Bank. The centers offer
specialized classes in IT business management and act as incubators for
young Palestinian entrepreneurs while also providing services to the local
Palestinian business communities.
In an earlier tribute to Peter Gubser, ANERA colleagues summed up his
impact: "He is the personification of ANERA: capable, practical,
enthusiastic, supportive of new ideas and willing to make them happen."
Dr. Gubser was a keen observer of Middle East society and an historian at
heart. He published articles and research papers on various aspects of
Middle East economic development. His latest book, Saladin, Empire and
Holy War (Gorgias Press April, 2010), offers a
remarkable and highly readable portrait of the complex warrior-king. He also
wrote several books on Jordan, including a historical dictionary of the
Hashemite Kingdom.
Before joining ANERA, Gubser worked for the Ford Foundation in Lebanon and
Jordan and as an Associate Research Scientist for the American Institute for
Research in Washington, DC. After receiving his BA from Yale, his MA from
American University of Beirut and his PhD from St Anthony's College at
Oxford University, he worked as a Research Fellow at the University of
Manchester and conducted year-long projects in Zahleh, Lebanon and Karak,
Dr Gubser is survived by his mother Mary Gubser, and by his beloved wife
Annie Yenilomshian Gubser, whom he met while living in Lebanon, their two
daughters Sasha and Christi and their two granddaughters Sky and Sophie.
Letter from the President and CEO of the National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations
Published by the Saudi-U.S. Relations Information Service
September 3, 2010
By John Duke Anthony
President and CEO of the National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations
It is with great sadness that I write to say that Dr. Peter Gubser has lost his battle with cancer.
Peter was not just a fellow laborer in the vineyard of trying to place the
relationship between the United States and the Arab world on the firmest
footing possible. He was not only a great teacher, scholar, and lucid writer
as well as author of several very good books on Lebanon, Jordan, and
Saladin. He was also a role model as an inspirational leader, an institution
builder, the longtime head of one of the world's most effective
philanthropic organizations devoted to the alleviation of suffering and the
provision of opportunities for those in need, as well as an indefatigable
champion of the rights of Palestinians living under Israeli occupation. And
he was still more. His devotion to his beloved wife Annie, their two
children and two grandchildren, together with his great sense of humor,
incisive wit, and joy in laughter, even when the joke was on him, was
For the National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations, Peter was all these things
and many more. He was one of four friends who agreed to join me in
establishing the Council in 1983. In the twenty-seven and a half years from
that founding until the board's most recent gathering this past May, Peter,
whose sage input and comment always enriched the sessions' deliberations,
was the sole board member never to have missed a single meeting.
In addition to being one of the National Council's cofounders, Peter served
from the beginning to the present as its treasurer. In the process, he
introduced to the Council its system of accounting that has remained in
place to this day. That gift helped pave the way for the National Council on
U.S.-Arab Relations being awarded this past year the highest possible rating
for effective financial management and stewardship by America's foremost
charitable organization accrediting agency.
More than with any other founding board member,
Peter and I had a particularly rich formative experience in common. The late
Joseph J. Malone, former head of the history department at American
University of Beirut (where Peter had been a student) and later chair of the
U.S. National War College's Middle East Program, was long Peter's and my
mentor, close friend, and colleague. Indeed, Peter was first introduced to
me by Joe in 1971. When I was the then Assistant Editor of the Middle East
Journal, Joe persuaded me that, because Peter's command of Arabic was so
good and his detailed knowledge of Lebanon's system of governance and
political dynamics so thorough, he should be the person to review Man Yuhakim Lubnan? [Who Rules Lebanon?] for the Journal's Book Review Section.
Peter did just that, thereby cementing a friendship and professional
relationship between us that lasted 39 years.
Many friends of the National Council are aware that the Malone Family
earlier this past year bequeathed to the Council Joe and Lois Malone's
outstanding pre-Islamic Pottery Collection. Peter and Annie were both on
hand for the event that commemorated this bequest. In the evaluating
criteria that influenced the family's decision to award the collection to
the Council, it mattered much not only that Joe himself was a founding
member of the Council's National Advisory Board but also that Peter Gubser
and I as Council cofounders, together with our respective wives, had long
been close to Joe and Lois.
Yet another positive factor in the Malone family's decision was that
following Joe's passing on December 4, 1983, Peter lent his support to the
National Council's decision to establish its premier university educator
award: the Joseph J. Malone in Arab and Islamic Studies Fellowship. As the
Malone Family entrusted the Council with its priceless pre-Islamic treasures
in part because of Peter's long, faithful, and effective service as Council
cofounder, board member, and treasurer, so too will the Council, its
friends, and supporters forever treasure the memory of Dr. Peter Gubser.
Fare thee well, Peter.
The following news story was published on November 11, 2015, on the ANERA website.
Renovating a Palestinian School and Training Center in Al Tireh
Five years after the passing of former ANERA president Dr. Peter Gubser, his daughters could not think of a better gift to honor the memory of their beloved father than a Palestinian school.

The Gubser sisters help the Al Tireh preschoolers
with their arts and crafts project
“The projects he worked on were very varied, but the ones that stood out to us were focused on education,” explained his daughter Sasha who lives in the United States. “He truly believed that education acts like a backbone to support a person’s potential.”
Sasha explained how so many friends and colleagues of her father had contributed to the special fund because they wanted to support his vision and what ANERA could do with it. “Our family was overwhelmed by the generosity of all those who loved and respected him and chose to donate.”
Choosing a Palestinian School for the Project
After careful deliberation and research, ANERA’s Education Committee chose a project that would help both children and teachers: a rehabilitation project at UNRWA’s Refugee Women Training Center (RWTC) preschool at Al Tireh, Ramallah. RWTC is the first institution in the Middle East to offer teacher training and vocational courses for refugee women. It was established in the 1960s. The center is at the heart of Ramallah, the most prosperous city in the West Bank that many consider an intellectual, educational and cultural incubator.
ANERA undertook the center’s rehabilitation as part of its Early Childhood Development (ECD) program’s initiative “Right Start!” The program is designed to develop ECD in the West Bank and Gaza through school rehabilitation and teacher training.
The Rehabilitation Begins
The preschool was centered around a spacious but poorly-ventilated room with inadequate sanitary facilities. The cluttered room was a noisy open area with no defined learning areas. What characterized it the most was a long row of tables and chairs where some 50 children gathered to practice drawing or enjoy their morning breakfast snack.
With $60,000 from the Peter Gubser fund, ANERA renovated the infrastructure work, installed new and sanitary child-friendly toilets and built a private room for the teachers as well as kitchen and two learning rooms. Then the ANERA team carpeted, decorated and equipped the school with child-appropriate furniture, games, books and learning materials. The balance between the soft-colored walls and furnishings and the inviting, stimulating games and learning corners, has created a healthy environment for children to nurture their imagination.
The head teacher-trainer has also undertaken a teacher training course with ANERA to guarantee the project’s long-term sustainability. “This program helps develop young children’s growing minds and also prepare young teachers for a changing world, it felt like a really good match to what was important to our father,” explained Peter Gubser’s second daughter Christie.
Celebration, Remembrance and a Trip to Palestine
Sasha and Christie Gubser were able to travel to Al Tireh to celebrated the successful rehabilitation. It was their first trip to the Middle East since childhood. And, it was their first trip to Palestine, which they both described as an emotional visit. Sasha told the audience gathered for the celebration, “It is very meaningful to both of us to be invited here today and to see something tangible to represent my father’s vision.”
After the ceremony, Sasha and Christie couldn’t wait to meet the children and joined a group that was busy playing with colorful building blocks. Both Christie and Sasha are young mothers whose youngest children are four years old. “They would be here at this school too. They are also in early childhood education,” said Christie with a smile. Christie is herself an elementary school teacher. Her sister Sasha is a doctor. Gathered in the rehabilitated outdoor playground, the Gubser sisters surprised the children with colored pencils and other gifts.
A plaque on the school’s wall honors Peter Gubser. “Our father would be thrilled to see this preschool rehabilitation completed,” expressed Sasha. “And seeing the plaque on the wall is the permanent reminder of his devotion to human rights and equality.”