In Memoriam
Frederic A. Hopf

Fred Hopf
1964 graduation
The library of the Optical Sciences Center at the University of Arizona is named in honor of Professor Frederic A. Hopf, known as "Captain Chaos" to his students. Before he died from lung cancer on April 11, 1989, Professor Hopf's research included nonlinear optics, quantum optics, and incoherent light applications of optics in chemistry. An amateur actor, a hiker, and a birdwatcher, he is still missed by the faculty and staff at the Center.
Fred A. Hopf Library supports the academic and research interests of the
Center's faculty, staff, and students.
Many of the books in our collection are personal
donations from faculty and students or from the Center's graduate student
organization, and the Center is grateful for their thoughtfulness and their
generosity. Many of our alumni, Industrial Affiliates and industry sponsors
have generously contributed to our library and have made it possible for the
Center to purchase books that it would not have been able to afford
otherwise. Their contributions will be much appreciated by the next
generation of students to study here.
The Library never closes; it is always available to our faculty, graduate
students, visiting scholars and staff. In addition to books and journals,
the collection includes a reserve book section, class notes, homework
solutions, copies of exams, prelim study materials and past exams, a
complete collection of theses and dissertations written by the Center's
former students, Technical Reports and Newsletters published by the Center,
and copies of recently published research articles and books written by the
Center's faculty and students. Old, rare, or unusual books are shelved
separately, but are available by special arrangement.