In Memoriam
Frederick W. Hornbruch, III

Fred Hornbruch
1964 Yale graduation
Yale Alumni Records received notification from Fred Hornbruch’s brother that he died on April 1, 2022. We have been unable to find an obituary.
His last known address was 1141 Sherman Avenue, # A, Menlo Park, CA 94025. In our 50th Reunion Class Book, published in May 2014, he reported himself as partially retired from an enterprise known as “Phileas Fogg’s Ventures” at his home address.
Fred edited the following two books: Around the Table, Around the World: The People of La Comida de California (2014), and Travel Stories from Rotarians Around the World (2015). Both are available from Amazon.
For the 50th Reunion Class Book he submitted the following essay:
I joined Procter & Gamble on Staten Island after graduation, then went on to Stanford Business School. Out of Stanford I formed Creative Publications, a K-12 supplementary math-enrichment publisher. The business was sold to Westinghouse Learning in 1981. During this time I took up Ironman training, renewing my track experience at Yale. I also opened a bookstore named “Phileas Fogg’s Books and Maps for the Traveler“ in the Stanford Mall. The bookstore morphed into a travel agency, whose business came to an end with 9/11. Since then I have continued with running and with travel-related consulting, much of it in Australia.