In Memoriam
Charles Lawrence “Larry” Johnston, Jr.
January 17, 2023

Larry Johnston
1964 Yale graduation
Charles Lawrence Johnston, Jr., known as “Larry,” passed away in New Haven on November 23, 2022. He was a Religion major at Yale and became a violinist for the New Haven Chamber Orchestra.
Larry’s death was reported to us by his good friend Officer Tristan Kiekel of the Yale Police Department, who had befriended Larry when she met him walking his dogs on the New Haven Green in 2016. Since that time, Officer Kiekel had been a companion to Larry, helping him with hospital visits and veterinary costs.
After the two met on the Green, they developed a friendship when they started seeing each other almost daily. Although they lost touch when Kiekel went on maternity leave, Officer Kiekel ran into Johnston again one year later, and they reconnected and talked almost every day after that time.

Larry with Officer Kiekel (right) and
Lady, the French bulldog, and Nell, the Shiba Inu
On February 8, 2020, Officer Kiekel was named an honorary member of the Yale Class of 1964. The commendation cited her efforts to assist Johnston with a fund-raising campaign to cover medical costs, and treating him to Thanksgiving dinner.
Larry told the Yale Daily News that he could not think of anyone who deserved to be an honorary Class member more than Officer Kiekel. “I’m very happy that I can introduce her as one of my classmates now, although the age gap might surprise some people,” Johnston told the News. “She’s my best friend in New Haven and someone I feel I can turn to if I’m in trouble. I would be astonished if she didn’t have a positive impact on everyone she knows. I’m not really sure how I would have been able to get by if she hadn’t been around. She’s just nice — it comes from her naturally.”
More details may be found in this news story on this website.
Below is a remembrance of Larry written by Officer Kiekel after his death, at our request.
Remembrance of Larry
by Officer Tristan Kiekel, Yale Police Department
January 17, 2023

Charles Johnston, known as “Larry,” was a highly intelligent individual who loved to play the violin. Larry played the violin his entire life and would often play for his family at their family dinners.
Larry was cremated and buried in Georgia with his father, mom, and sister, thanks to his half-brother Steven Johnston.
Larry had not been back to Georgia in thirty years. He lived in Germany for many years while he taught English and the violin to students there.
Larry lived in New York and then, in his older years, ended up in New Haven near Yale University, which was one of the loves of his life, in addition to his two dogs Nell, the Shiba Inu, and Lady, the French bulldog. Those dogs currently need a home. Anyone willing to adopt these very well-behaved dogs can visit Farm River Wildlife Rescue on Facebook for an application where they are featured. They are currently being fostered by me.
An interesting fact about Larry is that he developed a computer software program for Wall Street that was sold but could never be replicated due to its complexity. Larry’s father was such a well-known dentist that they would not let him enlist in World War II.
Larry is at peace now and reunited with his beloved mom, sister, and father, who passed away many years ago.
When I imagine Larry, he is in heaven playing the violin with famous violinist Yehudi Menuhin.