In Memoriam
Willard Arthur Kapke
September 6, 1939 – April 22, 1998

Will Kapke
1964 graduation
Will Kapke was born in Janesville, WI, entering Yale in 1958 from Janesville High School. He majored in English after a leave of absence, then graduated with '64. Our Class Notes from October 1998 reported his death as follows:
The Wisconsin State Journal reported the following obituary on April 25, 1998: "Willard Arthur Kapke died unexpectedly on Wednesday, April 22, 1998, at his home. ... Will was married July 30, 1966, in Vermillion, South Dakota, to Dorothy Jones Dancker, when both were employed by the University of South Dakota, working with anti-poverty programs on Indian reservations in a 16-state area including Wisconsin. ... He worked for the state of Wisconsin in the Department of Transportation." Will is survived by his wife Dorothy, a daughter Cynthia, a son Damon, and a brother, John.