In Memoriam
Mogens Mervild

Mogens Mervild died on March 29, 2012, according to YAA records. He had matriculated with the Class of 1964 and roomed in 1081 Bingham with Sed Browne, Bill Mailliard, and Larry Speidell. He was assigned to Calhoun College (subsequently Grace Hopper College). The image at right is from the freshman publication “The Old Campus.”
Mogens’ surviving freshman roommates Sed Browne and Larry Speidell offered the following remembrance in March 2022:
In our dark first floor freshman room in Bingham Hall, Mogens (pronounced “Moans”) was the quiet one, but always cheerful. He lent a touch of class by introducing us to European music (Sibelius and Berlioz — “Harold in Italy”). He also introduced us to European libations such as Carlsberg and Aquavit (which powered us through cross-campus bike rides on snowy days). As time passed, Mogens focused his attention on work at the student laundry and on his many memberships in the prevalent book and record clubs that provided abundant samples just for joining. We miss him.
Mogens left Yale before graduating and no further details are available, except for the following photograph published in the Department of State “News Letter” of May 1963. The caption refers to Mervild as “former Fulbright Scholar at Yale.”