In Memoriam
Allan “Terry” R. Moulton
March 29, 2024
Allan R. Moulton, known as “Terry,” died on February 19, 2024 in Blue Hill, ME. We learned of his death on March 29, 2024.
The New York Times
February 25, 2024

Terry Moulton
1964 Yale graduation
Allan (Terry) R. Moulton III died peacefully on February 19, 2024, in Blue Hill, Maine. He was born on April 17, 1942, raised in Warrenton, Virginia, and retired to the Down East Coast in 2009.
He personified Virginia courtesy and Maine persistence. Along the way he made innumerable fast friends: on the rugby field, as social chairman of the Fence Club, and while haunting the wilds of Southampton. He attended The Buckley School in Manhattan, The Hill School in Pennsylvania, and graduated from Yale University in 1964.
He immediately entered the U.S. Marine Corps and spent 13 months between 1965 and 1966 in Vietnam, where he was a much-respected platoon leader. He left the Marine Corps having earned the rank of Captain.

Terry Moulton
in recent years
Upon his return he began his banking career in New York at Bankers Trust Co. and then Morgan Guaranty Trust Co., focused on the aircraft and aerospace industries. To amazed onlookers, when a plane flew overhead he could immediately identify both the type of plane and, more impressively, the make of engines. In 1992 he co-founded Airline Capital Associates, a consultancy for the airline and aerospace industry, and ran it until retirement shortly after he moved to Maine.
As he settled into life in Blue Hill, he discovered that he had always been a frustrated farmer/forester and he soon filled his barn with tractors and tools. A strong believer in conservation, he became involved with the Blue Hill Heritage Trust as an active board member and was its president from 2018 to 2020. He also served on the boards of The Bay School and George Stevens Academy.
Terry married into a sailing family and out of necessity soon became comfortable on the water, spending many summers happily cruising Maine's coast and racing to Bermuda numerous times. He was the man you wanted when you were in a pinch. If the anchor needed to be hauled up in 200 feet of water in a big blow, he was there.
Terry is survived by his wife of 60 years, Bebe, his sons Ned, Bruce, and Christopher, daughters-in-law Lara, Stephanie, and Kelly, and by his nine grandchildren — Jack, Will, Lucy, Maggie, Lily, Wing, Christopher, Meredith, and Marshall. In lieu of flowers, those who desire may make contributions in Terry's memory to George Stevens Academy, 23 Union St., Blue Hill, ME 04614. Condolences may be expressed at Jordan-Fernald Funeral Homes.