In Memoriam
Gerald Martin Senf
March 19, 1942 – December 20, 1993

Jerry Senf
1964 graduation
Jerry Senf, from New Britain, CT, entered Yale via the Kingswood School in West Hartford. He was a psychology major, active with Dwight Hall and WYBC. He stayed for an M.A. at Yale, then earned a Ph.D. at U.C.L.A.
Jerry taught psychology at the University of Iowa, U. of Illinois in Chicago, and the University of Arizona. His field was neuropsychology and cognitive rehabilitation. At the time of his death, Jerry was owner and director of BrainMap Laboratories and Diagnostic Clinic in Tucson. The facility accomplished quantitative electrophysiological studies on neurological and psychiatric patients. Over his career Jerry authored and edited more than 100 books, chapters, monographs, and research articles concerned with the psychology of learning.
Jerry married Janet Louise Hilger. Their children are Rebecca Anne and Katherine Elizabeth Senf.