In Memoriam
Roger Andrew Weil
Remembrance by Tony Lee '64

Roger Weil
1964 graduation
Roger was a good friend of mine. He was smart, athletic and had a wonderful sense of humor. We played soccer together for 4 years, were in the same senior society, and I attended his wedding in the late 60s. I have many fond memories of Roger, two of which have particularly remained with me for all these years. The night Roger shared how senseless anti-semitic pranks in prep school had deeply hurt him changed forever my attitudes towards prejudices of all kinds. He put a human face and feelings on something that was no longer funny.
My greatest memory, however, which is a more accurate reflection of his true nature, intelligence, and humor, occurred when we were studying in our sophomore year for the final exam in Vincent Scully's introductory History of Art course. Part of the final exam was identifying paintings' names and artists that would be flashed on a screen. There had to be at least five Madonna and Child paintings and we made up stories to remember them by. The painting by Cimabue was easy because the two men in the bottom corners appear ready to jump out and scare you: "seem-a-boo." When this painting was flashed on the screen during the final exam, loud groans emerged from the hall, but the two of us burst out in laughter. You cannot imagine the surprise and glee I felt when Margie and I were visiting the Uffizi Gallery in Florence in June 2013 and saw the original Madonna and Child by Cimabue. I burst out in laughter again. Good memories of a good friend last a lifetime.