In Memoriam
Stephen Williams

Stephen Williams
as an undergraduate
Stephen Williams died on November 18, 2016.
We did not learn of his death until 2019 during our 55th Reunion. His published 2016 obituary was sparse, so we added other personal information that we know about him. If you remember Stephen, please send us a remembrance that we can add to this memorial page.
- Obituary, Stephens Funeral Service (augmented)
- Remembrance, Steve Norman '64
Stephen Williams, age 74, of Franklin, South Dakota, formerly of Shepherdstown, West Virginia and Sioux Falls, South Dakota, passed away peacefully on Friday, November 18, 2016, at Golden Living Center in Franklin SD. Private family services were held in Sioux Falls. Online condolences may be sent to Stephens Funeral Service. Stephens Funeral Service and Redwood Valley Funeral Home in Redwood Falls assisted the family with the arrangements.
Stephen Williams was born on February 6, 1942 in New York to Robert and Barbara (Lemon) Williams. He attended Berkshire School in Sheffield, Massachusetts, class of 1960, and Yale University, class of 1964. He left Yale before graduating and served in the US Air Force in the early 1960s. He married Harriet Ann Stonearrow and had three children: Jennifer, John, and Dede. Steve had another son, Stephen, who passed away as an infant.
His profession was as an insurance claims investigator/adjuster.
Steve had many interesting characteristics and a love of literature, history, the culinary arts, gardening, and athletics.
Stephen is survived by his children, John and Dede Williams; grandchildren: Sadie Meirose, Todd Meirose, Edward Rose, and Grace Elizabeth; great grandchildren: Caleb Eugene, Sophia, and Jeremiah; and brothers Henry “Bucky” Morrow and Danny Dudrow. He is preceded in death by his parents, grandson Seth, daughter Jennifer, brother Matthew, and stepfather Henry Morrow.
Remembrance by Steve Norman '64
Stephen Williams graduated from the Berkshire School in Sheffield MA in 1960. He was a standout athlete, starting on the varsity football, basketball, and baseball teams. He was a halfback on the freshman football team at Yale and received a major Y in varsity football as a sophomore.
He started out in Silliman college but shifted to the newly opened Morse college after his sophomore year.
Steve left Yale in his junior year and joined the Air Force when his student draft deferment ended. While stationed at an Air Force base in Nebraska, he completed his bachelor’s degree at Creighton University.
I last saw him at his 50th high-school reunion in 2010. He appeared quite burly and stated that he was participating in local arm-wrestling contests.