In Memoriam
Stephen Harlowe Wolfe
August 23, 1942 – April 29, 1994

Steve Wolfe
1964 graduation
Steve Wolfe came from Manhasset, NY. He was a religion major, active in Dwight Hall. He sang with the Bachelors. Through college life, Steve was active with the Lutheran Campus Ministry, intending to be a minister in the Lutheran Missouri Synod. He earned a Masters in Theology at Concordia Seminary, in St. Louis in 1968, served briefly in Los Angeles as an assistant minister, and returned to Yale as the Lutheran chaplain from 1969-74.
Steve wrote in our 10th Reunion book that "torn between the church and the theater, I took the most logical course, working for U.S. Trust Co. of New York." Twenty years later, he died, having fallen out of contact with Yale.