Email Addresses
To look up a classmate's email address, click below on the initial letter of the last name. If you would like to inform us of your correct email address, contact Tony Lavely at This directory is for personal use only, never for business or commercial purposes. And by the way, only you can change your contact information in the Yale Alumni Directory.
Sadler, Luther F., Jr.
Sakamoto, Frederick A.
Salas, Gustavo
Sale, Llewellyn
Salmonsen, Paul C.
Salomon, Richard E.
Saltonstall, Kent
Sargent, Bruce W.
Sauer, Curtis M.
Sawyer, John F.
Sawyer, William B.
Schaefer, Christopher
Schaffer, William Gray
Scheidt, Charles E.
Scherling, Bruce D.
Schmidt, William H.
Schmitt, Gary L.
Schoenbrod, David S.
Schubeler, Peter
Schultz, William R.
Schulz, James A.
Schumacher, David E.
Schwartzreich, Edward S.
Scibilia, Ronald D.
Scott, E. Philip
Scully, John P., Jr.
Seidler, A. Lee
Semisch, Robert M.
Senior, Enrique F.
Shanklin, James R., Jr.
Sharp, L. Stewart
Shaw, Edward J., Jr.
Shea, Gerald MacD.
Sheckleton, George F.
Sherman, David L.
Sherwood, Michael R.
Shields, William
Shiffrin, Richard M.
Shope, Thomas B., Jr.
Sidney, Jeffrey B.
Siegel, John M.
Siegel, Jonathan V.
Sigal, Leon V.
Sipherd, Ronald K.
Smith, David O.
Smith, John T., II
Smith, Laird K.
Smith, Tyler
Snyder, Francis G.
Solstad, Kenneth Def.
Speer, David G.
Speidell, Lawrence Shaw
Spekke, Andrew A.
Speth, J. Gustave, Jr.
Spofford, John S. W.
Springer, Gerald L.
Staudt, William W., II
Stavely, Keith W. F.
Steiger, Paul E.
Stein, John H.
Steuber, David E.
Stilson, Robert Minott
Straley, Hugh L.
Stygar, Paul P.
Sullivan, Mark, III
Sultan, Joseph A.
Sunshine, Russell B.
Susman, Thomas M.
Sutherland, Hugh C.
Swanke, Albert H., Jr.
Swendsen, Robert H.
Sykes, James W., Jr.